On October 10, 2019, a conference was held at the newly opened FUTURIUM in Berlin's government district to present the indicator projects funded by the BMBF. The event, attended by numerous guests from politics, science and industry, served to discuss forward-looking data and indicator projects for innovation research and policy.
Muhamed Kudic presented the consortium project Neo-Indikatorik, which develops a methodical "prototype" for empirical observation of the structural dynamics of companies. The central task of the project is to trace the analysis unit "enterprise" over time along all structural events such as takeovers, mergers, splits, spin-offs or exits and to add innovation-economically relevant information such as turnover, employees, industry, patents, location etc. from various sources of information. In this way, the "life stories" of companies that are only statically documented are reconstructed. An information processing and coding system developed as part of the project allows cross-sectional data to be linked by structural events. Scientific institutions are also part of the dynamised databases created for the first time with this project.
The project focuses on the development of the information processing and coding system as a method for transforming static micro-data into dynamic nanodata. The method will be tested in application to the technology field of German electromobility. What is being developed using the example of electromobility - the feasibility of which has already been demonstrated - can be applied in the future to other sectors or fields of technology or to entire countries.
Neo-Indikatorik is doing pioneering work for the research area "Industry Dynamics" and enables dynamic network analyses of all technologies or branches of industry. In addition, detailed analyses of the plasticity and resilience of networks become possible.
The Neo-Indikatorik project involves the University of Bremen under the leadership of Muhamed Kudic with Katharina Friz as a PhD candidate and Marcel Lange as technical assistant, the Stifterverband with Andreas Kladroba (also FOM Essen) and the Zentrum für Solarenergie- und Wasserstofforschung (ZSW) Stuttgart under the leadership of Tobias Buchmann and Patrik Wolf as a PhD candidate.
The next results of the project will be presented on November 21 to 22, 2019 in Stuttgart at the international EAEPE workshop RAX "Networks".