
Screenshot der Startseite der Online-Toolbox des Projekts DIVERGesTOOL

Toolbox for assessing sex/gender diversity in quantitative health research

Summary publication on the development and content of the DIVERGesTOOL project toolbox published

Marko Rohlfs und Lorena Kalvelage hocken auf einer Wiese und schauen sich die Pflanzen am Boden an. Im Vordergrund steht ein Schild, das über das Biodiversitätsprojekt auf dem Campus informiert.

BioYUFE brings together European research and teaching in the life sciences

From Croatia to England, from courses to webinars: YUFE makes life sciences European. Werner Ulrich, Professor of Ecology and Biogeography at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, has been dedicated to this cause for three years.

Restricted IT operations 19.7.-21.7. and 2.8.-5.8.

Due to necessary work on the power supply of the university's IT housing center, part of the university IT will not be available on two weekends. The central IT services (e-mail, Stud.IP, Nextcloud) are largely unaffected.

Tobias Roth

Prof. Dr. Tobias Röth – Faculty of Business Studies & Economics

Tobias Röth has been a professor within the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics since April 2024. He has taken over as Chair of Business Studies, in particular Technology and Innovation.

Christian Schwarzenegger

Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger – Faculty of Cultural Studies

Christian Schwarzenegger has been Professor of Media and Communication Studies with an area of focus on media change at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI), University of Bremen since April 2024.

Charlotte Havermans

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Havermans – Faculty of Biology/Chemistry

Charlotte Havermans has held the position of professor of marine zoology at the University of Bremen since April 2024.

University of Bremen Illustration

University of Bremen Conferences in July

Dynamic systems describe how states change over time and are used, for example, in physics, biology, and computer science. Two conferences on this topic will be held at the University of Bremen in July.

Group photo conference

International Conference on "Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Agreements"

On Thursday and Friday, 20-21 June 2024, Prof. Dr. Gralf-Peter Calliess and Dr. Nicholas Mouttotos convened an international conference on the topic of Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Agreements.

[Translate to English:]

Studying at the University of Bremen: Information Event on the Application Procedure

Anyone interested in studying at the University of Bremen can still apply online for a place until July 15. An event on Friday, July 5, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the House of Science in Bremen will provide information on how to do this.

Annelie Lorber und Hannah Krüger bei ihrer Präsentation

Talk at the RWL in Linköping

On 17 June 2024, Annelie Lorber and Hannah Krüger presented their findings from the RessourcE project at the 13th Researching Work & Learning Conference in Linköping, Sweden.