Bremen's mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte visits the "Humans on Mars" initiative at ZARM

Mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte was at ZARM on November 23, 2022 to visit the project team of "Humans on Mars". He was here to learn about the interdisciplinary team's research.

Bovenschulte commented: "The fact that a research team from Bremen is playing a major role in the preparations for the Mars expedition speaks both for the researchers and for Bremen as a research location as a whole. And it is, after all, fitting for Bremen as a space location." He continued, "Science has been drawn to space for a long time. That's why it's so important to start thinking about the most environmentally friendly Mars mission possible at an early stage. I'm proud that Bremen is making a contribution to this."

Present at the meeting on behalf of the University of Bremen were Prof. Dr. Marc Avila, Director of ZARM and spokesperson for "Humans on Mars", Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurosch Rezwan, spokesperson for MAPEX, Dr. Christiane Heinicke, scientific coordinator of "Humans on Mars" and Dr. Benny Rievers, junior researcher at ZARM. They provided insights into the current research projects surrounding the initiative and offered the mayor "hands-on science." After the welcome by Marc Avila, the program included a tour of the model habitat, which is intended to enable (over-) living, working and research on the red planet.


Press release of the press office of the Senate Chancellery:



Updated by: MAPEX