The Living Habitat

  • Christiane Heinicke

    Christiane Heinicke explaining the benefits of Mars.

  • Living Habitat

    Three components form the “living” habitat: Networks of sensors, life support system and the crew.

  • A resaercher at work

    Working on the bioregenerative live support system. Here, photosynthetic organisms will produce the oxygen needed by the crew.

  • Robot

    Inside the MaMBA Laboratory

    The Marvin-Figure belongs to a Conversational User Interface, which supports test persons during test runs.

  • A researcher at work.

    Working on the bioregenerative live support system. Here, photosynthetic organisms will produce the oxygen needed by the crew.

  • Lab

    Inside the MaMBA Laboratory

    The MaMBA laboratory is the setting for the experiments in The Living Habitat project.

  • Cyanobakterien

    Life in the Living Habitat

    Cyanobacteria under the microscope. They are one of the living components of the "Living Habitat".

  • Researcher presenting

    Saurabh, Paul, and Ksenia presenting the Living Habitat at the MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop at the University of Bremen in April.

  • Christiane Heinicke

    Christiane Heinicke explaining the benefits of Mars.

  • Living Habitat

    Three components form the “living” habitat: Networks of sensors, life support system and the crew.

The Living Habitat

On Mars, the environment outside the habitat is lethal for humans, meaning that inhabitants must entrust their lives to the life support system of the habitat. This life support system will be bioregenerative, with photosynthetic organisms producing the oxygen needed by the crew. Networks of sensors monitor both life support system and crew, and the crew interacts with the life support system through the sensors. Together, these three components form the “living” habitat.


Project Leader

Dr.-Ing. Christiane Heinicke
Moon and Mars Base Analog
ZARM – Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity 
University of Bremen

Am Fallturm 2, 28359 Bremen, DE 
+49 421 218 57855
christiane.heinickeprotect me ?!zarm.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


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