Shifting Experiences, New Interactions

  • Norman Sieroka writing in Old Greek on a board.

    This project investigates fundamental philosophical and social aspects from the elementary level of sense perception to communication and interaction at a distance.

  • Experiences

    Our project investigates fundamental philosophical and social aspects from the elementary level of sense perception to communication and interaction at a distance.

  • Norman Sieroka writing in Old Greek on a board.

    This project investigates fundamental philosophical and social aspects from the elementary level of sense perception to communication and interaction at a distance.

  • Experiences

    Our project investigates fundamental philosophical and social aspects from the elementary level of sense perception to communication and interaction at a distance.

Shifting Experiences, New Interactions

The preparation and execution of Mars exploration goes along with several shifts in experience and demands on new ways of interaction. Mars exploration does not only mean that we “sail” to a new place, it also implies shiftings in our theorizing, our engineering goals and – as a kind of “re-shift” – even our earthly concerns and responsibilities. This project investigates fundamental philosophical and social aspects from the elementary level of sense perception to communication and interaction at a distance.


Project Leaders

Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka
Professor of Theoretical Philosophy
University of Bremen

Postfach 330 440, 28334 Bremen, DE
SFG-Building, 4190
+49 421 218 67830
sierokaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Fehrler
Professor of Economics
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
University of Bremen

Mary-Somerville-Straße 7, 28359 Bremen, DE
Unicom-Building, Room 7.4570
+49 421 218 58590
sebastian.fehrlerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Publication highlights

[Translate to English:] Observational-learning

Observational Learning of Exploration-Exploitation Strategies in Bandit Tasks

Ludwig Danwitz, Bettina Von Helversen

The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (2023)152501

doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4732127

Stretching or compression can induce significant energetic, geometric, and spectroscopic changes in materials. To fully exploit these effects in the design of mechano- or…

[Translate to English:] An Airlock

An airlock concept to reduce contamination risks during the human exploration of Mars

Daniel VrankarCyprien VerseuxChristiane Heinicke

npj Microgravity 9 (2024): 81

doi: 10.1038/s41526-023-00329-5

Protecting the Martian environment from contamination with terrestrial microbes is generally seen as essential to the scientific exploration of Mars, especially when it comes to the…

Martian Landscape

A vision for Human Mars Exploration made in Bremen

M. Avila, C. Heinicke, L. Colombi Ciacchi, A. Dekorsy, S. Fehrler, K. Rezwan, N. Sieroka, K. Tracht, C. Verseux

44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at Abstract PEX.2-0002-22.

Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.3186A

Leading space agencies have the…