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Panel discussion 'Exploring Space: Human versus Machine'

On September 5, 2022, a panel discussion was held at Universum Bremen, moderated by Hanna Lührs.

Which competencies play the more important role in space exploration - intuitive intuition or automated precision? Where are the respective strengths, but also the corresponding limits of human and robotic action? This is what Marc Avila (Director of the Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity at the University of Bremen), Chiara Pedersoli (Member of the Management Board of OHB System AG), Frank Kirchner (Executive Director of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Bremen and Head of the Robotics Innovation Center research area) and Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera (Head of the Microgravity User Support Center at the Institute of Space Operations and Astronaut Training of the German Aerospace Center) talked about on September 5. The discussion was moderated by Hanna Lührs (science manager at the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes at the University of Bremen).

The panel discussion took place at Universum Bremen on the occasion of the annual meeting of the German Astrobiological Society (DAbG). Here, more than 100 scientists are organized who are engaged in astrobiological research or related disciplines.

The four guests of the panel discussion with Hanna Lührs.
The four guests of the panel discussion with Hanna Lührs.
Hanna Lührs talks into a microphone
Hanna Lührs from MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes
Marc Avila from ZARM
Marc Avila, ZARM
Chiara Pedersoli, OHB Systems AG, talks at the discussion.
Chiara Pedersoli, OHB Systems AG
Frank Kirchner, DFKI
Frank Kirchner, DFKI
Jean-Pierre de Vera from DLR
Jean-Pierre de Vera, DLR
Updated by: MAPEX