Carine Mendom Feunou

Carine Mendom
Profile image: Carine Mendom

Research associate

Carine Mendom Feunou is a health scientist at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen and a qualified nurse.

In addition to research on innovative digital extensions of service provision for people with diabetes and a migrant background, she is working on the topic of "Integration of trainees with a migrant background in nursing training"

Professional career

since 04/2019

Research associate in the Department of Nursing Research, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen, Faculty 11

since 08/ 2021

Nursing lecturer (IBS Institute for Vocational and Social Education; Bremen, Hemelingen)

10/2014 - 03/2019

Healthcare and nursing assistant (Herz-Jesu Hospital Fulda)

01/2019 – 03/2019

Voluntary work, district of Fulda in the health reporting department


Professional qualification in healthcare and nursing, Siegen District Hospital (recognition year)

Academic career

since 03/2023

Course: Nutritionist (A licence)


Master's degree programme in Public Health at Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Degree: Master of Science

Topic of the Master's thesis: "Challenges in the care of diabetics in urban areas in Yaoundé "


Bachelor's degree programme in Nursing at Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Topic of the Bachelor's thesis: "Authenticity in nursing care"

10/2007 – 09/2009

Biochemistry degree programme at the University of Yaoundé  (Cameroon) for two years

  • Prevention and care concepts for people with diabetes and a migration background

  • Digitalisation in the healthcare sector

  • Measures to improve medical and nursing care for people with dementia

  • Migration and health 

  • Integration of trainees with a migration background into nursing training programmes

  • Guidance, counselling, training, communication and interaction (summer semester 2019 - summer semester 2020)

  • Introduction to nursing science (winter semester 2020 to present)

  • Digital Health (summer semester 2020 - summer semester 2022)