PD Dr. Solveig Lena Hansen



PD Dr. Solveig Lena Hansen
Tenured Lecturer

Grazer Straße 2, Room 0.272

Tel.: 0421 218 68634


Research interests

Solveig Lena Hansen conducts research from an ethical and sociocultural perspective on the following topics: Public Health Communication, Higher Body Weight (Obesity), Organ Transplantation, Medical/Health Humanities.  www.solveiglenahansen.de


Academic Positions

since 2023
Head of the working group: Public Health Ethics and Health Humanities, IPP Bremen

since 10/2020
Lecturer for Public Health Ethics, University of Bremen (permanent position)

Research Associate, Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen

Research Associate, DFG Research Training Group: Dynamics of Space and Gender, University of Kassel and University of Göttingen

Student Assistant, Insitute for Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen



Habilitation, Venia Legendi: Medical Ethics/Medical Humanities; Medical Faculty, University of Göttingen

Doctorate, Bioethics; Faculty of Philosophy, University of Göttingen

Magister Artium, University of Göttingen

Study of Comparative Literature, Scandinavian Studies and Gender Studies, University of Göttingen



Award for Excellent Teaching, State of Bremen, Germany

Award for Young Academics, Academy of Medical Ethics, Germany

Award of Foundation Council, Göttingen University, Germany



  • Academy for Ethics in Medicine
  • German Society for Public Health
  • Gender Stuidies Association
  • Standing Committee for Organ Transplantation (StäKo) at the German Medical Association
  • Ethics Committee, University of Bremen
  • Collegial Council of Academic Employees, University of Bremen


Key Publications (English only:)

Hansen, SL; Preuß, B; Frisina Doetter, L (2024): A needs-based perspective on long-term care, obesity, and old age. Ethik in der Medizin 36, 391-420.

Hansen, SL (2022): Otherness, Cloning, and Morality in John Wyndham´s The Midwitch Cuckoos (1957). Journal of Medical Humaities 43, 547-560.

Hilbrich, I; Hansen, SL (2022): Explorations about the Family’s Role in the German Transplantation System: Epistemic Opacity and Discursive Exclusion. Social Epistemology 36 (1), 43–62.

Hansen, SL; Pfaller, L; Schicktanz, S (2021): Critical Analysis of Communication Strategies in Public Health Promotion: An Empirical-Ethical Study on Organ Donation in Germany. Bioethics 35 (2), 161-172

Hansen, SL; Schicktanz, S (HG.) (2021): Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation. Current Debates and International Perspectives. Bielefeld: transcript.

Hilbrich, I; Hansen, SL (2021): Explorations about the Family’s Role in the German Transplantation System: Epistemic Opacity and Discursive Exclusion. Social Epistemology 36 (1), 43–62.

Pfaller, L; Hansen, SL; Adloff, F; Schicktanz, S (2018): Saying no to Organ Donation: An Empirical Typology of Reluctance and Rejection. Sociology of Health and Illness 40 (8), 1327-1346.

Hansen, SL (2018): Family Resemblances: Human Reproductive Cloning as an Example for Reconsidering the Mutual Relationships between Bioethics and Science Fiction. Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2), 231-242.

Hansen, SL; Eisner, MI; Pfaller, L; Schicktanz, S (2017): Are you in or are you out ?! Moral Appeals to the Public in Organ Donation Poster Campaigns - a Multimodal and Ethical Analysis. Health Communication 33 (8), 1020-1034

Hansen, SL; Wöhlke, S (2016): Contrasting Medical Technology with Deprivation and Social Vulnerability. Lessons for the Ethical Debate on Cloning and Organ Transplantation through the Film Never Let Me Go (2010). Nanoethics 10(3), 245-256.


A complete list of publications can be found here


I. Organization of Academic Events

03/2019 Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen (Germany);  Workshop: Enganging the Skeptics?! Epistemic (In)justice, Public Participation, and Moral Expertise in Health Discourses (with Silke Schicktanz)

07/2017 Department of Philosophy, University of Turin (Italy);
Conference: What’s Next?! Hype and Hope from Human Reproductive Cloning to Genome Editing (mit Maurizio Balistreri)

10/2015 Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen (Germany); Workshop: To Whom it May Concern... Methodological and Ethical Perspectives of Visual Health Communication(with Silke Schicktanz)

II. Talks

(A) Invited Talks

09/2024 University Dalian (China) and University of Bremen (Germany); 4th Chinese-German Symposium on Elderly Care; Talk: Exploring the Ethical Terrain across Long-Term Care, Obesity, and Old Age (with Benedikt Preuss und Lorraine Frisina), Online

05/2022 University of Granada;Bioethics International Workshop;
Talk: Amend the Disruption. Analyzing Transplant Communication through Maylis de Kerangal‘s Mend the Living, Granada (Spain)

09/2021 German Research Foundation, Japan Office; DFG-Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz-Prize Conference: Patient Involvement and Data Protection in Medicine and Medical Research; Talk: Ethical Aspects of Patient Involvement, Online

11/2019 Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich;
European Conference on Health Communication;
Talk: Principles of Public Health Communication: A Bioethical Viewpoint, Zurich (Switzerland)

05/2019 Department of Health Services Research, University of Oldenburg;
Workshop: Bioethics and Human Temporality; Talk: Narrating the Future Self: How the Analysis of Cloning Stories can Contribute to Bioethics, Oldenburg (Germany)

02/2016 Department of Philosophy and Science Studies, University of Nijmegen;
Experten-Workshop: Neuro-Enhancement;
Talk: Arguments for a Mutual Relationship of Bioethics and Science Fiction, Nijmegen (Netherlands)

12/2013 Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS), Graz;Colloquium; Talk: Alterity as a Challenge to Culture. Negotiations of Reproductive Cloning in Law, Research, and Fiction, Graz (Austria)

(B) Selected Talks after Call for Abstracts

08/2024 European Society for Medicine and Healthcare in Philosophy;Conference: Medicine, Healthcare, and the Market; Vortrag: A Needs-Based Perspective on Long-Term Care, Obesity, and Old Age (with Benedikt Preuß und Lorraine Frisina), Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

09/2021 German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention;Annual Conference;
Talk: Applying an Intersectional Perspective to Obesity Prevention: A Critical Matrix (with Merle Weßel), Online 

10/2019 German Society of Transplantation Medicine;Annual Conference;
Talk: Public Confidence or Public Acceptance? Reflecting the Role of Trust in Bodily Donations from an Ethical Perspective (with Katharina Beier), Hanover (Germany)

04/2019 European Platform Ethical, Legal, and Psychological Aspects of Transplantation;5th ELPAT Congress, Talk: To Donate or not to Donate: An Empirical-Ethical Study of Moral Attitudes to Organ Donation Posters (mit Silke Schicktanz), Krakow (Poland)

04/2018 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies,NTNU Trondheim; Conference: Methods in Applied Ethics;
Talk: Multimodality as a New Methodology for Applied Ethics, Trondheim (Norway)

09/2017 Institute for transmedial Research on Textuality, University of Bremen;Third Bremen Conference on Multimodality;
Talk: Multimodality as a Methodology for Analyzing Public Health Campaigns: The Example of Organ Transplantation in Germany (with Silke Schicktanz), Bremen (Germany)

05/2016 Institut for Philosophy, University of Granada;International Workshop: Models of Consent for Deceased Organ Procurement; Talk: A Critical Reflection on Moral Claims and Invocations of Public Campaigns for Organ Donation – Discrepancies, Potential Conflicts, and Practical Limitations (with Silke Schicktanz), Granada (Spain)

04/2016 European Platform Ethical, Legal, and Psychological Aspects of Transplantation;4th ELPAT Congress; Talk: Depicting Moral Messages – an Analysis of German Poster Campaigns on Organ Transplantation (with Larissa Pfaller), Rom

04/2016 European Platform Ethical, Legal, and Psychological Aspects of Transplantation;4th ELPAT Congress; Vortrag: Increased Organ Donation Wilingness after German Transplan-tation Scandals: The Influence of Public Attitudes towards Brain-Death and Body Concepts (with Larissa Pfaller and Silke Schicktanz), Rome (Italy)

03/2013 Department of German Studies, Cincinatti University; Conference: Catastrophe and Catharsis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives;
Vortrag: “I thought my life would pass under the shelter of ordinary events.” Catastrophe, Technology, and Posthuman Relationships in Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods (mit Cathrin Cronjäger), Cincinatti (USA)

C) Talks within own workshops and conferences

03/2019 Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen;Work-shop: Enganging the Skeptics?! Epistemic (In)justice, Public Participation, and Moral Expertise in Health Discourses; Talk: Distrust in Health Information? Ethical Reflections in Times of Digital Communication, Göttingen (Germany)

07/2017 Department of Philosophy, University of Turin; Conference: What’s Next?! Hype and Hope from Human Reproductive Cloning to Genome Editing;
Talk: Moral and Fictional Discourses on Reproductive Techniques and Genetic Engineering (with Maurizio Balistreri), Turin (Italy)

10/2015 Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen; Workshop: To Whom it May Concern... Methodological and Ethical Perspectives of Visual Health Communication; Vortrag: Pictures for Life. Analyzing the Moral Iconography of the German Organ Transplantation Foundation, Göttingen (Germany)

III. Poster

06/2016 University of Edinburgh;14th Bioethics World Congress: Individuals, Public Interests and Public Goods: What is the Contribution of Bioethics?;
Poster: No Space for Rejection?! The Moral Relevance of Campaigns in the Discourse of Organ Transplantation (with Silke Schicktanz), Edinburgh (Scottland)

06/2016 University of Edinburgh;14th Bioethics World Congress: Individuals, Public Interests and Public Goods: What is the Contribution of Bioethics?;
Poster: Arguments for a Mutual Relationship of Bioethics and Science Fiction, Edinburgh (Scottland)

04/2016 European Platform Ethical, Legal, and Psychological Aspects of Transplantation;

4th ELPAT Congress;
Poster: Rejecting Organ Donation – a Typology of Reluctance, 4th ELPAT Congress: Ethical, Legal, and Psychological Aspects of Transplantation (with Larissa Pfaller), Rome (Italy)