Kathrin Seibert

Profile image: Kathrin Seibert
Profile image: Kathrin Seibert

Research associate

Kathrin Seibert is a nursing and health scientist at the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen and a nurse. In addition to issues relating to the quality of outpatient care for people in need of care, she researches innovative digital technologies in nursing.


  • German Society for Nursing Science (DGP)

  • Working Group on the Collection and Utilisation of Secondary Data (AGENS)

Professional career
since 11/2016

Research associate in the Department of Nursing Research, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen


Project assistant in the Department of Interdisciplinary Ageing and Care Research (iap), Institute for Public Health and Care Research, University of Bremenn


Nurse and released practice instructor at St Jospeh-Stift Hospital, Bremen


Professional qualification as a nurse

Academic career

Doctorate Dr Public Health at the University of Bremen

Title of doctorate: Possibilities and limitations of monitoring the quality of outpatient medical care for people with care needs using routine data from statutory health insurance in Germany

Master's degree programme in Community & Family Health Nursing at the University of Bremen

Degree: Master of Science

Topic of the Master's thesis: " Factors influencing the time values of the Timed-Up-and-Go Test in a representative sample of nursing home residents in Germany - an explorative analysis "


Bachelor's degree programme in Nursing Science, specialising in clinical nursing expertise at the University of Bremen

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Topic of the Bachelor's thesis: " Effects of care-mix on hospitalisation and nutritional status in residents in long-term care facilities - a systematic review ""

  • Health services research on medical and nursing care

  • Development, implementation and use of innovative technologies in nursing care and associated framework conditions

  • Quantitative methods and secondary data analyses

  • Mixed methods designs

  • Basic nursing theory and related sciences (winter semester 2016 - ongoing)

  • Specialised nursing interventions (summer semester 2019)

  • Digital Health (summer semester 2023)