Lena Oeltjen

Profilbild Lena Oeltjen
Research assistant

Research interests

Lena Oeltjen studied public health. As a research assistant, she focuses on the health care of people with mental illness and people without access to regular health care.


Professional career

Since December 2021

Research associate in the Department of Health Services Research at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen

June 2020 until November 2021
Parental leave

August 2018 until May 2020
Research assistant at the municipality of Ritterhude

April 2017 until July 2018
Parental leave

January 2017 until March 2017
Expert consultant at the State Association for Health Bremen e.V.

September 2016 until December 2016
Research assistant at the Hamburg Working Group for Health Promotion e.V.

September 2015 until December 2016
Student assistant at the State Association for Health Bremen e.V.

Academic career


Master's degree in health promotion and prevention (M.A.) at the University of Bremen


Bachelor studies Public Health / Health Sciences (B.A.) at the University of Bremen

 Current activities & functions

    Project coordination PeerIntervent (peer-supported crisis intervention to avoid forced admissions)
    Project coordination of the evaluation research of the model project "Securing medical and health care for people without health insurance and paperless people in Bremen".



Oeltjen L, Schulz M, Heuer L, Knigge G, Nixdorf R, Mahlke C, Briel D, Bultmann K, Ponke J, Brannath W, Utschakowski J, Gerhardus A: Peer - gestützte Krisenintervention zur Vermeidung von Zwangseinweisungen. Kongressvortrag. BVÖGD, Hamburg; 2024




Oeltjen L, Heuer L, Knigge G, Nixdorf R, Mahlke C, Briel D, Schulz M, Hamer P, Brannath W, Utschakowski J, Gerhardus A: Peer - gestützte  Krisenintervention zur Vermeidung von Zwangseinweisungen – Ein Studienprotokoll. Posterpräsentation. DGSMP, Hannover; 2023