Lydia Wendt

Lydia Wendt
Research assistant

Research interests

Lydia Wendt studied health education and social work. As part of the research cluster "Healthy City Bremen", she is working on neighborhood-based care in the context of pregnancy, birth and postpartum.


Professional career

Since 2022
Research associate in the research cluster "Healthy City Bremen

2021 until 2022
Social pedagogue for the organization of social and health projects in the Bürger- und Sozialzentrum Huchting; Bremen

Support pedagogue in the field of integrated curative day education

Hans- Wendt- Stiftung, Bremen

Academic career

2017 until 2019
Social work (M.A.), University of Vechta

2014 until 2017
Health Education (B.Sc.), Freiburg University of Education

Current activities & functions

Research assistant and PhD student in the research cluster "Healthy City Bremen".

Teaching experience

Seminar on the public health perspective using the example of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period (seminar)

Public Health / Health Science, B.A.

Introduction to health science and qualitative research (seminar)

International Degree Programme in Midwifery B.Sc./ City University of Applied Sciences


Lydia Wendt works as a research associate in the research cluster "Healthy City Bremen: Interprofessional, Digital, Sustainable". The research cluster is organized on a cross-university basis and is affiliated with the University of Bremen, the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, and the APOLLON University of Applied Sciences. Within this framework, Lydia Wendt conducts research on neighborhood-based care in the context of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Her research focuses on neighborhood-based care, obstetric care, and qualitative research.

Research Cluster "Healthy City Bremen"




Wendt L,  Gerhardus A, Barbara B. 2024: Stadtteilbezogene Versorgung rund um die Geburt – Eine Evaluation der Bremer Hebammenzentren, 7. Internationalen Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hebammenwissenschaft, Berlin, Deutschland, 09.02.2024