Christof Dieterle

Foto von Christof Dieterle

Language instructor - English for specific purposes

University of Bremen
GW 2, Room A4280
Tel. 0421 218-61981
Email: christof.dieterle(at)uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Hochschule Bremen
Neustadtswall 30
Room M110
Tel. 0421 5905-3782
Email: christof.dieterle(at)hs-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Office hour: Zoom meeting by appointment. Please send me an email to arrange a time and date.


  • English for specific purposes at the Hochschule Bremen
    Degree programmes: International Political Management (B.A.) and International Nursing and Health Care Management (B.A.)
    CEFR levels: B2 and C1
  • English for specific purposes at the University of Bremen
    Degree programmes: Business Psychology (M.A.) and Social Policy (M.A.)
    CEFR level: C1
    UNICert courses: English for Political Sciences and Sociology
    CEFR level: C1
  • Courses for academic staff and researchers: Academic Writing (Doctoral Students and PostDocs), Academic Presentation and Discussion Skills (Doctoral Students), English for Lecturers (Professors and PostDocs)
  • Individual coaching for academic staff and researchers
  • Advice and support with academic writing
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