Dr. Martina Behrens
University of Bremen
GW2 A3.270
Tel. 0421 218-61994
Email: marbeh(at)uni-bremen.de
Office hour:
Tuesdays, 9 - 9.45 am in GW2, A3270
or by appointment via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 980 1033 1883
Passcode: 712056
Martina Behrens, an adult educator and academic, joined the Sprachenzentrum in 2021. Formerly head of languages at the VHS Calenberger Land, she held academic teaching and governance roles at University College London, The University of Bedfordshire, The University of Dundee, and The University of Surrey. Her main fields of interest are curriculum design, the delivery of specific language courses in English and research in learning through work for professionals who educate. She published a textbook with Klett-Verlag and was contracted to develop courses for companies and teacher training.
Teaching of key skills with a focus on English as a technical language in the areas of health sciences, law, economics, educational sciences and English as a general scientific language.
Selected publications:
Martina Behrens et al (2008) A Taste of English. Ernst Klett Sprachen. Stuttgart
Martina Behrens et al (2018) A New Taste of English. Ernst Klett Sprachen. Stuttgart
Karen Evans/Martina Behrens and Jens Kaluza (2000) Learning and Work in the Risk Society. Lessons for the Labour Markets of Europe from Eastern Germany. Macmillan, London
Clare Morris and Martina Behrens (2013) Work-based learning. In: Kieran Walsh (ed.) (2013) Oxford Textbook of Medical Education. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Venila Ponnusamy and Martina Behrens (2014) PC.20 Learning for and through Work in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Case of Study of Regular Doctor-Psychotherapist Sessions
Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition 99(Suppl 1)
Selected conference presentations:
Andrew Wilson, Paul Baker, Martina Behrens (2011) Bungling’ and ‘Incompetent’: The discursive representation of foreign doctors in the British Press 2000-2010. Association of Medical Education Conference, Edinburgh
Carol Parker, Trevor Austin, Martina Behrens (2011) Longitudinal observations of an e-learning blog. Struggles and Engagement around reflective writing of Dental Trainers in Postgraduate Education. Association of Medical Education Conference, Edinburgh
Afzal Chaudhry, Mark Gurnell, Martina Behrens, Clare Morris (2011) Learning in context: Barriers and opportunities to learning through observation in postgraduate secondary care in the United Kingdom, AMEE, Vienna 2011
Martina Behrens and Trevor Austin (2012) Pushing back boundaries: Re-working the doctor’s identity by developing an ontological awareness. BeSST (Behavioral and Social Sciences Teaching) in Medicine, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences
Karen Evans and Martina Behrens (2012) Turning Points in Adult Learning Trajectories. European Conference on Educational Research, Cadiz
Carol A Parker and Martina Behrens (2014) An evaluation of the interplay of formative and summative feedback in a Postgraduate Blended Learning course for professionals at the University of Bedfordshire. University of Bedfordshire Teaching and Learning Conference July 2014