Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX)


A new publication by Ekaterina Brandtner and Prof. Freiling

Together with our external PhD student Ekaterina Brandtner, Prof. Freiling has published another paper in the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI). In the article entitled Is dominant logic a value or a liability? On the explorative turn in the German power utility industry, Brandtner and Freiling try to specify the role of "dominant logic" in an organisation. In the context of an explorative qualitative empirical study in a traditional German power utility company, the two authors ask the following questions:

  • How can we re-conceptualize the construct of dominant logic to address both the driving and the hampering role in the case of explorative turns?
  • Which factors restrain and which allow explorative turns?

The paper, published in the 17th issue of JEMI, can be read directly on the journal's website.


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