We are delighted to publish the concepts today and would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, lecturer Thomas Baron and especially the mentors work & play Bremen, Hochschule Bremen, Universität Bremen, BRIDGE - Gründen aus Bremer Hochschulen, Hilfswerft gGmbH, Starthaus Bremen & Bremerhaven, Handelskammer Bremen - IHK für Bremen und Bremerhaven, ArbeitskreisSichtbarkeit.
Concepts were developed on the following topics: Female entrepreneurship: challenges and support needs in Bremen
Student Entrepreneurship: Cross-university networking of Bremen students interested in starting a business
Social Entrepreneurship: Systematic and problem-based overview of social innovation developments for stakeholder networking in Bremen
Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Development concept with recommendations for action for Bremen
Startup support: Overview of existing support services and identification of gaps in Bremen's service structure - concept proposal for improved networking between startups and SMEs
Startup location: Supra-regional visibility of Bremen's start-up ecosystem
You can download the full paper here: Download