
The MAPEX Core-Facility for Materials Analytics will regularly offer courses, workshops, seminars, retreats and meetings for the scientific community.

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XRD instrument with scientists
MAPEX-CF Workshops| MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

Powder Pair Distribution Function for Materials Science

15th-18th September 2025, Uni Bremen - AIB Building (in-person workshop)

  • [Translate to English:] Mapex 28.2.2025 "Haus der Wissenschaft" "Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum", Group Picture

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    Group picture

  • [Translate to English:] Mapex 28.2.2025 "Haus der Wissenschaft" "Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum", Lecture

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    Engaged audience absorbing insights during a session

  • [Translate to English:] Mapex 28.2.2025 "Haus der Wissenschaft" "Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum", Interaction

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    Collaborative conversations in progress

  • [Translate to English:] Mapex 28.2.2025 "Haus der Wissenschaft" "Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum", Poster presentation

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    Engaging discussions at the Core Facility Forum

  • [Translate to English:] Mapex 28.2.2025 "Haus der Wissenschaft" "Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum", Interaction

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    The final discussion focused on the question of how to collaborate in the future

  • [Translate to English:] Low-energy electron microscope (LEEM), Laboratory, Collaboration, Interaction

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    Lab tour: Explaining the Low-energy Electron Microscope

  • [Translate to English:] Laboratory, Collaboration, X-ray microscopy (XRM), Interaction

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    Lab tour: Explaining the Xradia 520 Versa

  • [Translate to English:] Mapex 28.2.2025 "Haus der Wissenschaft" "Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum", Lecture

    MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

    Talk by Oliver Plümper introducing the Excite network

MAPEX-CF Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025

26-28 February 2025

The Materials Science Core Facilities Synergy Forum 2025, organized by the MAPEX Core Facility, took place from February 26th to 28th, 2025, at the Haus der Wissenschaft (House of Science) in Bremen. The forum aimed to connect more than 45 individuals who were involved in the use, management, and coordination of materials science-oriented Core Facilities across European institutions.

The program featured a series of sessions and invited talks, covering topics such as the impact of Core Facilities on host institutions, management strategies, data management, and collaboration opportunities. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to present posters showcasing their facilities, displayed in the break session to encourage interaction and discussion.

Lab tours organized at the University of Bremen on Tuesday and Friday provided hands-on insights into the equipment available at the MAPEX Core Facility, covering investigation areas such as 3D Material Analytics, Electron Microscopy, Surface Analytics, Spectroscopy, and X-Ray Diffraction. 

Detailed information about the program and speakers is available on the webpage​​​​​​​ .

  • workshop pic

    MAPEX-CF Electron Microscopy Workshop

    Dr. Nathalie Claes's talk, titled "Coloring Atoms in Tomography," discussed advanced techniques for visualizing and distinguishing atoms in tomographic data, enhancing the clarity and interpretation of atomic structures.

  • electron microscopy workshop

    MAPEX-CF Electron Microscopy Workshop

    Dr. Marco Schowalter's talk, titled "Introduction to TEM," provided an overview of the fundamental principles and applications of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).

  • Mapex-cf electron mic. pic.

    MAPEX-CF Electron Microscopy Workshop

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Rosenauer's talk, titled "Simulation Methods," explored various computational techniques and approaches used in the simulation of materials and physical systems.

MAPEX-CF Workshop Electron Microscopy

25-27 September 2024

The MAPEX-CF workshop on Electron Microscopy brought together 42 participants specializing in a range of electron microscopy methods, such as transmission, scanning, diffraction and low-energy electron microscopy. Experts from the University of Bremen and other prominent German institutions shared their expertise, addressing both theoretical and experimental aspects of the field. 

The three-day workshop opened with foundational talks that offered a comprehensive overview of the Electron microscopy methods, outlining essential experimental and theoretical applications. These sessions were designed to ensure that all participants, including early-career researchers, could understand the advanced discussions and presentations that followed in the subsequent sessions and expand their network.

A Laboratory tour was conducted to show the equipment available at MAPEX-CF under the investigation area of ​​electron microscopy. A brief explanation of the instruments was provided using an example.

The complete program and more information can be found on the webpage of the workshop.

  • Workshop on Diffraction

    Talk of Lars Robben

  • Workshop on Diffraction

    Thorsten Gesing and Ella Schmidt

  • Workshop on Diffraction

    Talk of Wilke Dononelli

MAPEX-CF Workshop on Diffraction

04-06 September 2023

Initiated by the MAPEX-CF research area X-ray Diffraction, this workshop connected around 35 participants who work with Diffraction of X-ray, electron, and neutron beams. Such experiments were discussed from both experimental as well as theoretical viewpoints by the speakers from the University of Bremen and other German research institutions.

The three-day workshop started with talks giving an overview of the research field and describing the most important experimental and theoretical techniques, ensuring that all participants, including many early-career investigators, were able to follow the presentations of cutting-edge research performed at the University of Bremen and elsewhere in the following days.

The complete program and more information can be found at the webpage of the workshop.

  • Prof. Dr. Chris Eberl

    The future of materials science and engineering

    How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation

  • Guests at the talk of Chris Eberl

    The future of materials science and engineering

    How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation

  • Guests at the talk of Chris Eberl

    The future of materials science and engineering

    How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation

  • Prof. Dr. Chris Eberl

    The future of materials science and engineering

    How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation

  • Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

    The future of materials science and engineering

    How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation

  • Prof. Dr. Chris Eberl

    The future of Materials Science and Engineering

    How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation

The future of Materials Science and Engineering

"How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation"

MAPEX invited Chris Eberl for a talk: On February 21st , the Deputy Director of Fraunhofer IWM, lectured about “The future of Materials Science and Engineering: How to participate and get the most out of the Digital Transformation”.

In the first part of this talk, Eberl introduced the goals and realistic possibilities of ongoing initiatives. He also addressed the role of the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI, and specifically the NFDI-MatWerk, as well as the BMBF MaterialDigital initiative.

In the second part, an introduction to practical examples from within the Fraunhofer IWM was used to show various aspects of digitalization and their use and how it might be implemented.

Chris Eberl is Deputy Director Fraunhofer IWM and Full Professor at Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, University of Freiburg, IMTEK, Faculty of Engineering. Since 2021 he is Spokesperson at NFDI-MatWerk, since 2019 Board Member at the Innovation Platform MaterialDigital (BMBF) and also Board Member at the “Excellence Cluster livMatS”, Uni Freiburg. Chris Eberl is a member of the Fraunhofer Vintage Class.

hackathon pic

Hackathon: Bringing Maritime Navigation Instruments to Life

08-09 October 2022

Seaman’s Gear: a two-day hackathon on October 8 and 9, 2022, aims to breathe new virtual life into historical maritime navigation instruments. The organizers are MAPEX, the German Maritime Museum – Leibniz Institute for Maritime History, and the Bremen University of Applied Sciences.

The complete program and more information can be found at the webpage of the workshop.

  • Workshop

    Functional oxides

    09-10 June 2022

  • Workshop

    Functional oxides

    09-10 June 2022

  • Workshop

    Functional oxides

    09-10 June 2022

  • Workshop

    Functional oxides

    09-10 June 2022

MAPEX-CF Workshop on Functional Oxides: synthesis, analysis, and characterization

09-10 June 2022

Promoted by the MAPEX-CF investigation areas Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction, this workshop connected researchers working with 'Functional Oxides' and provided different perspectives ranging from synthesis and characterization to the applications of such materials. Around 30 participants from diverse research areas ranging from Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering joined the event at the campus of the University of Bremen and also online.

During the two days of the event, a multidisciplinary audience was able to follow invited talks from experts from Germany and abroad showcasing cutting-edge research done with oxides. Hot topics such as synthesis of nanoparticle oxides, thin-film and single-crystal growth, structure-property relationships, and advanced characterization techniques were covered and valuable discussions took place.

The event was closed with guided laboratory tours, where the participants could see firsthand the instrumentation available at MAPEX-CF within the investigation areas Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, and Electron Microscopy.

A complete list of contributions can be found in the workshop's webpage.

MAPEX workshop & user meeting - 3D Materials Analytics

08 September 2021

Developed within the investigation area 3D Materials Analytics of the MAPEX-CF, this meeting aimed to connect researchers active or interested in the fields of x-ray microscopy and x-ray computed tomography. From engineering to biology, geology, and materials science, the one-day workshop and user meeting hosted around 30 participants from diverse research areas in a fully virtual environment.

Early career researchers were given the opportunity to present their work and also follow an outstanding introductory lecture about 3D X-ray microscopy and X-ray microtomography given by Dr. Wolf-Achim Kahl, displaying the know-how that MAPEX and MAPEX-CF can offer to the science community. The event was complemented by round-table discussions, which instigated the knowledge exchange between the participants further strengthening the commitment of the MAPEX and MAPEX-CF to connect researchers and bridge the gaps between scientific fields.

A complete list of contributions can be found in the workshop flyer.

Event programm