Past Events

MAPEX-CF Workshops| MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

MAPEX-CF Workshop Electron Microscopy

September 25th-27th, 2024 AIB building (Hochschulring 40)

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MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

17th Early Career Researcher Workshop

Scientific workshop with ECR presentations and PI talks.

ECR Workshop
MAPEX Workshops|

Science Slam Workshop

MAPEX Doctoral QP offers

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Mapex QP| MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

Design Thinking Basics

MAPEX Doctoral QP offers

MAPEX Workshops|

Talk & Discussion: Publishing in Nature Energy

Speaker: Dr Silvana Lakeman (Senior editor for Nature Energy)

MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

16th Early Career Researcher Workshop

Science meets industry

MAPEX-CF Workshops| MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

MAPEX-CF Workshop on Diffraction

September 4-6, 2023 AIB building (Hochschulring 40)

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MAPEX Workshops|

Knowledge through Digitized Material? - Objects, Images, Perspectives

"Knowledge through Digitized Materials? - Objects, Images, Perspectives." On two days, the partners of the SAW transfer research project "Digital Materialities" will discuss with guests from science and culture the aesthetic dimension of digitized material, its evidential function and its barriers.

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MAPEX Workshops| MAPEX Workshops|

15th Early Career Researcher Workshop

Scientific workshop with poster presentations and talks.

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MAPEX Workshops|

14th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

Science meets Industry