Project News

Mod-Block-DDR Colloquium already a tradition - the winter semester 2021/22

For the fourth time, the Mod-Block-DDR Online-Colloquium, which was launched at the beginning of the Corona pandemic in order to keep the exchange going successfully, is starting up again. The principle is simple: researchers of the Mod-Block-DDR Colloquium present their research designs and results…

Blick auf die Konferenz von einer Empore

“We only have to look out of the window to see transformation" - Annual Conference of the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies in Gdansk

Looking back critically and thinking ahead responsibly in a historical place: from September 23-24, 2021, many social, historical, political, and economic scholars came together in Gdansk, at the birthplace of the Solidarność movement. "How did the transformations progress in Poland and East…


Jarina Kühn and Mareike zum Felde present at conference "Transformation Research: Poland and East Germany in Comparison".

From 22nd September to 25th September 2021, the ZIP (Center for International Polish Studies) of the EUV and the in the European Solidarność Center (ECS) in Gdansk organized the joint conference titled "Transformation Research: Poland and East Germany in Comparison" on the transformation experiences…

Einladung zum Konsortialtreffen

Annual meeting of the research network Mod-Block-DDR

On October 4, 2021, the scientists of the research network Mod-Block-DDR met to present their ongoing research work of the seven subprojects and the cooperation project, to exchange information about the successfully concluded conference in Gdansk in September 2021 and the planned conference in…

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Lessons of the Unification Process - Jutta Günther gives a talk on the ambivalent legacy of the GDR innovation system after 1990

On August 4 and 5, 2021, the 10th meeting of the "German-Korean Consultative Board on Unification Issues" will take place. Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther, a member of the board since 2018, will present selected results of the Mod-Block-DDR research consortium at the conference.

Founded in 2010, the board…

Mod-Block DDR starts online colloquium

Online colloquium successfully held again in summer semester 2021

In spring 2020, soon after the Covid 19 pandemic broke out in Germany, we started the innovative format of a digital colloquium in our Mod-Block-DDR research consortium. The trigger was necessity: Despite obstacles we wanted to continue our scientific exchange within the network. Originally intended…

Prof. Dr. Heiko Pleines

Heiko Pleines receives award for outstanding doctoral supervision

The prize for outstanding doctoral supervision, which the University of Bremen is awarding for the second time, is going to political scientist and head of a Mod-Block sub-project Prof. Dr. Heiko Pleines this year.

We congratulate you very much!

For more information on the award, please see the pr…

“Legacies of Communist Modernization: Evidence from a Natural Experiment”

No doubt, state socialism has had a strong influence on the political and economic development in the respective countries up to the present day. However, the modes of impact are disputed in the academic debate. On 11 May, Alexander Libman (FU Berlin) will present newly gained insights into the…

Moderne Faserproduktion trifft devastierte Braunkohlelandschaft

UMPOBERE meets Mod-Block-DDR

On April 27, 2021, members of Mod-Block-DDR and the project „Umweltpolitik, Braunkohle und Rekultivierung im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich“ (UMPOBERE) met each other. The initiative of UMPOBERE director Helmut Maier was prompted by the thematic and methodological intersections between the two GDR…

Ansicht Tschernobyl

Does atomic energy have a future in Europe?

On March 11th, 2021, Heinrich Böll Foundation Bremen together with the Young DGO Regional Group Bremen (which is co-run by Mod-Block-DDR project members Dr. Mariia Shkolnykova, Mareike zum Felde and Olga Masyutina) organized an online event about the future of civilian use of atomic energy in…

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