

Günther, J., Jajeśniak-Quast, D., Ludwig, U., & Wagener, H. J. (2024): Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition: Evidence from East Germany and Poland, Springer Nature.

Flade, Falk (2023): Semiconductors from socialist Poland. The Sectoral Innovation System of the Polish semiconductor industry, 1950s-80s. In: Grata, Paweł; Kinal, Jarosław (eds): Selected aspects of modernization processes in “Younger Europe”. Past and Present. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 70-91.

Hipp, A., Ludwig, U., Günther, J., (2023): Innovation and growth of a socialist economy: New evidence from revised data. Eastern European Economics, forthcoming. 

Hipp, A.; Jindra, B.; Medase, K. (2023): Nothing new in the East? New evidence on productivity effects of inventions in the GDR, Bremen Papers on Economics and Innovation #2301, DOI:

Wagener, H-J (2023): Comparative Economic Systems and Economic Theory. In Bruno Dallago and Sara Casagrande eds. The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems, 27 – 49. Milton Park, Abingdon, Routledge.


Fritsch, M., Greve, M., Wyrwich, M., (2022): Shades of a Socialist Legacy? Innovation Activity in East and West Germany 1925-2014. Jena Economic Research Papers.

Fritsch, M., Wyrwich, M., (2022): Initial conditions and regional performance in the aftermath of disruptive shocks: the case of East Germany after socialism. Industrial and Corporate Change.

Bischoff, T.S., Hipp, A., Runst, P. (2022): Firm innovation and generalized trust as a regional resource. ifh Working Paper No. 32/2022.

Düppe, Till (2022): “How Not to Be a Socialist Statistician: The Case of Ernst Strnad”, German Studies Review, 45 (1).

Flade, Falk (2022): Sozialistischer Wettbewerb im Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt/Oder. Frankfurter Jahrbuch, 115-135.

Flade, Falk, Anna Steinkamp und Konrad Walerski (ed) (2022), Transformation in Polen und Ostdeutschland. Historische Voraussetzungen, Verläufe und Resultate, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.

Günther, J. (2022): Wissenslücken schließen: Zum technischen Fortschritt und Erfindertum in der DDR und zu deren Rolle nach 1990. In: Troost, A.; Schrooten, M.; Bontrup, H.-J.; Sieling, C. (Hg.): Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik. Wissenschaft - Beratung - Publizistik. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Rudolf Hickel, S. 74-89.

Hipp, A.; Fritsch, M.; Greve, M.; Günther, J.; Lange, M.; Liutik, C.; Pfeifer, B.; Shkolnykova, M.; Wyrwich, M. (2022):Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990—technical report and dataset overview. Jena Economic Research Papers # 2022 - 011, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (2022): Grundlinien der Außenwirtschaftspolitik mit Autokratien. In Siegfried Russwurm und Joachim Lang Hg. Wie soll die Wirtschaft mit Autokratien umgehen? 13-36. Freiburg: Herder.

Wagener, Hans-Jürgen, Udo Ludwig and Knut Richter (2022): Theory and Political Economy of Central Planning in East Germany. In János Mátyás Kovács ed. Communist Planning versus Rationality. Mathematical Economics and the Central Plan in Eastern Europa and China, 109-43. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Wyrwich, M., Steinberg, P.J., Noseleit, P., de Faria, P.M.M. (2022): Is open innovation imprinted on new ventures? The cooperation-inhibiting legacy of authoritarian regimes. Research Policy, 51(1), 104409.


Düppe, Till (2021): “How Western Science Corrupts Class Consciousness: East Germany’s Presence at IIASA“, Isis, 112 (4): 737–759.

Düppe, Till (2021): “A Science Show Debate: How the Stasi Staged Revisionism”, Contemporary European History, 30 (1): 92-110.

Flade, Falk; Kamosiński, Sławomir (2021): "'Kapitalisten' and 'prywaciarze'. A comparison of nationalisation campaigns in the GDR and Poland." Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, vol. 39, no. 1, 2021, S. 163-188.

Fritsch, M., Greve, M., Wyrwich, M. (2021): One transition story does not fit them all: initial regional conditions and new business formation after communism, Post-Communist Economies.

Fritsch, M., Greve, M., Wyrwich, M. (2021): The COVID-19 Pandemic and Entrepreneurship in Germany: First Observations and Interpretations. Foresight and STI Governance

, 15(4), 42-51. Russian version: Влияние COVID-19 на поведение бизнеса в Германии).

Fritsch, M., Pylak, K., Wyrwich, M. (2021): Historical Roots of Entrepreneurship in Different Regional Contexts—The Case of Poland. Small Business Economics.  

Fritsch, M., Wyrwich, M. (2021): Does Successful Innovation Require Large Cities? Germany as a Counterexample. Economic Geography, 97, 284-308. 

Fritsch, M., Wyrwich, M. (2021): Is innovation (increasingly) concentrated in large cities? An international comparison. Research Policy, 50, 104237.

Fritsch, M., Wyrwich, M. (2021): Die Bedeutung regionaler Ausgangsbedingungen für die Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. In Andreas Apelt and Lars Lüdicke (Hrsg.): Die Treuhandanstalt – Pragmatismus, Erfolgskonzept oder Ausverkauf? Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 40-48.

Fritsch, M., Greve, M., Wyrwich, M. (2021): Unternehmertum und Wissen als Treiber regionaler Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland. Policy Brief 4/21, Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e.V. (FGF) und Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn.

Greve, M., Fritsch, M., Wyrwich, M. (2021): Long-Term Decline of Regions and the Rise of Populism—The Case of Germany. Jena Economic Research Papers #2021-006, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Hipp, A., Ludwig, U., & Guenther, J. (2021); Unable to innovate or just bad circumstances? Comparing the innovation system of a state-led and market-based economy. Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation #2111.

Ruhrmann, H., Fritsch, M., Leydesdorff, L. (2021): Synergy and Policy-making in German Innovation Systems – Smart Specialization Strategies at National, Regional or Local Levels? Regional Studies.

Steinkamp, Anna M. (2021): The Dynamics of Economic Development in the Polish–German Border Region: The Example of the State of Brandenburg and Lubuskie Voivodeship. In Elżbieta Opiłowska, Monika Sus (eds.): Poland and Germany in the European Union: The Multidimensional Dynamics of Bilateral Relations: 273-288 (Ch. 14), London: Routledge.

Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (2021): Systemtransformation II. Wirtschaftswissenschaftlich. In : Staatslexikon, 8. Auflage, Bd. 5, S. 958-962.

Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (2021):The Political Economy of Socialism Revisited. In Wladimir Andreff Hsg. Comparative Economic Studies in Europe.  A Thirty Year Review, 13-33. Ohne Ort (London): Palgrave Macmillan.

Wagener, H.-J., Tymiński M., Koryś P. (2021): Sozialistische Ökonomie im Spannungsfeld der Modernisierung. Ein ideengeschichtlicher Vergleich DDR – Polen. Wiesbaden 2001.


Baily, David, Michael Fritsch, et al.: Rethinking Regions in Turbulent Times. Regional Studies, 54 (2020).

Baily, David, Michael Fritsch, et al.: Regions in a time of pandemic. Regional Studies, 54 (2020), 1163-1174 (with David Baily et al.).

Boldyrev, Ivan; Düppe, Till (2020),Programming the USSR: Leonid V. Kantorovich in context. The British Journal for the History of Science 1-24.

Düppe, Till (2020), A Science Show Debate: How the Stasi Staged Revisionism. Contemporary European History 1–19.

Flade, Falk (2020), Regional Integration in the Eastern Bloc: Energy Cooperation between CMEA Countries, 1950s-80s. In: Broad, Matthew; Kansikas, Suvi (eds): European Integration Beyond Brussels. Unity in East and West Europe since 1945. Palgrave Macmillan, 169-190.

Fritsch, Michael: Industrie und Industriekultur in Sachsen. In Thomas Spring (Hrsg.): Boom. 500 Jahre Industriekultur in Sachsen. Begleitheft zur 4. Sächsischen Landesausstellung, Dresden 2020: Sandstein Verlag, 323-331.

Fritsch, Michael: Innovation als interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld. In Michael Farrenkopf, Friederike Hansell and Norman Pohl (Hrsg.): Lebenswerk Welterbe – Aspekte von Industriekultur und Industriearchäologie, von Wissenschafts- und Technigeschichte. Festschrift für Helmuth Albrecht zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin 2020: GNT-Verlag, 107-115.

Fritsch, Michael: Ökonomisch vereint? Wirtschaftliche Unterschiede zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland dreißig Jahre nach der Wende. Bürger & Staat, 2020, H. 1, 103-109.

Fritsch, Michael, Maria Kristalova und Michael Wyrwich: One Transition Story Does Not Fit Them All: Initial regional conditions and new business formation after socialism. Jena Economic Research Papers #2020-014, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Fritsch, Michael, Maria Kristalova und Michael Wyrwich: Regional trajectories of entrepreneurship: the effect of socialism and transition. Jena Economic Research Papers #2020-009, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.  

Fritsch, Michael, Martin Obschonka, Fabian Wahl und Michael Wyrwich:The Deep Imprint of Roman Sandals: Evidence of Long-lasting Effects of Roman Rule on Personality, Economic Performance, and Well-Being in Germany. Jena Economic Research Papers #2020-005, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Fritsch, Michael, Alina Sorgner und Michael Wyrwich: Entrepreneurship and Job Satisfaction: The Role of Age. In Charlie Karlsson, Mikaela Backman and Orsa Kekezi (eds.): Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Aging. Cheltenham 2020: Elgar, 269-282.

Fritsch, Michael, Mirko Titze und Matthias Piontek: Identifying Cooperation for Innovation―A Comparison of Data Sources. Industry and Innovation, 27 (2020), 630–659.

Fritsch, Michael und Michael Wyrwich: Does Successful Innovation Require Large Cities? Germany as a Counterexample. Jena Economic Research Papers #2020-004, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.  

Fritsch, Michael und Michael Wyrwich: Langfristige regionale Trends unternehmerischer Selbständigkeit reflektieren unternehmerische Kultur. In Katharina Hölzle, Victor Tiberius and Heike Surrey (eds.): Perspektiven des Entrepreneurships: Unternehmerische Konzepte zwischen Theorie und Praxis. 447-460 (Ch. 33), Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

Fritsch, Michael und Michael Wyrwich: Initial Conditions and Regional Performance in the Aftermath of Disruptive Shocks: The Case of East Germany after Socialism. Jena Economic Research Papers #2020-017, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Fritsch, Michael und Michael Wyrwich:Is innovation (increasingly) concentrated in large cities? An international comparison. Jena Economic Research Papers #2020-003, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Fritsch, Michael und Moritz Zoellner: The Fluidity of Inventor Networks. Journal of Technology Transfer, 45 (2020), 1063–1087.

Friz, K., Günther, J. (2020): Innovation and Economic Crisis in Transition Economies, in: Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation, link:

Günther, J.; Hipp, A.; Ludwig, U. (2020): Universalien der Innovation – Erfindertum und technischer Fortschritt in der DDR und dessen Rolle nach 1990. Forschungsbericht, DOI: 10.26092/elib/332

Herrmann, F. (2020), Technology Gap, transnationale Integrationsbemühungen und nationale Egoismen: Der Aufbruch des Rats für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe in das digitale Zeitalter, in: Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung, Berlin: Metropol Verlag, S. 209–223.

Kühn, Jarina; Schwarz, Anna; Steinkamp, Anna M. (2020): Unternehmerischer Habitus von Ostdeutschen vor und nach 1990. Kontinuität oder Wandel Unternehmerischer Handlungsorientierungen von Menschen mit DDR-Biografie. In: Deutschland Archiv, 26.10.2020, link:

Ludwig, U. (2020), Mikrofundierte makroökonomische Resultate der ostdeutschen Transformationswirtschaft, in: Ostdeutschland - Eine Bilanz, Halle: Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle, S. 16-35

Rochlitz, M.; Mitrkhina, E.; Nizovkina, I. (2020), Bureaucratic Discrimination in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes: Experimental Evidence from Russia, in: Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation #2010.

Ruhrmann, Henriette, Michael Fritsch und Loet Leydesdorff: Smart Specialization Strategies at National, Regional, or Local Levels? Synergy and Policy-making in German Systems of Innovation. Jena Economic Research Papers #2020-007, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Sanders, Mark, Michael Fritsch, Michael Wyrwich et al.:A Reform Strategy for Germany. In Axel Marx, Mark Sanders and Mikael Stenkula (eds.): Financial and Institutional Reforms for an Entrepreneurial Society in Europe Part II: Tailoring a Reform Strategy to Germany, Italy and the UK. Berlin 2020: Springer, 163-202.

Steinkamp, A. (2020), Strategien und Ressourcen für die Internationalisierung - Fallbeispiele erfolgreicher Unternehmer im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Chepurenko A., Kristalova M., Wyrvich M. (2019), Historical and Institutional Determinants of Universities’ Role in Fostering Entrepreneurship, in: Foresight and STI Governance, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 48–59. DOI: 10.17323/2500-2597.2019.4.48.59.

Fritsch, Michael: Art. „Economic Restructuring.” In Raj Kollmorgen, Wolfgang Merkel and Hans-Jürgen Wagener (eds.): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford 2019: Oxford University Press, 480-485.

Fritsch, Michael: The Regional Emergence of Innovative Start-ups: A Research Agenda. In David Audretsch, Erik Lehmann, and Al Link (eds.): A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Cheltenham, UK, 2019: Edward Elgar Publishers, 74-90.

Fritsch, M.; Kublina, S. (2019): Persistence and change of regional new business formation in the national league table, in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 29, 3, pp 891-917.

Fritsch, M.; Kudic, Muhamed, Pyka, A. (2019): Evolution and co-evolution of regional innovation processes, in: Regional Studies, Vol. 53, 9, pp 1235-1239.

Fritsch, M.; Oboschonka, M.; Wyrwich, M. (2019): Historical roots of entrepereneurship-facilitating culture and innovation activity: an analysis for German regions, in: Regional Studies, Vol. 53, 9, pp 1296-1307.

Fritsch, Michael, Korneliusz Pylak und Michael Wyrwich:Persistence of Entrepreneurship in Different Historical Contexts. Jena Economic Research Papers #2019-003, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Fritsch, Michael, Alina Sorgner, Michael Wyrwich und Evguenii Zazdravnykh: Historical Shocks and Persistence of Economic Activity: Evidence on Self-Employment from a Unique Natural Experiment. Regional Studies, 53 (2019), 790-802.

Fritsch, Michael und Michael Wyrwich: Regional Emergence of Start-Ups in Information Technologies: The Role of Knowledge, Skills and Opportunities. Foresight and STI Governance, 13 (2019), 62-71.

Fritsch, Michael und Michael Wyrwich: Regional Trajectories of Entrepreneurship and Growth. In Max Keilbach and Erik Lehmann (eds.): From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship: A Tribute to David B. Audretsch. Cham 2019: Springer, 149-162 (with Michael Wyrwich).

Goethner, M.; Wyrwich, M. (2019): Corss-faculty proximity and academic entrepreneurship: the role of business schools, in: The Journal of Technology Transfer, Open Acess, 27 March 2019.

Merkel, W.; Kollmorgen, R.; Wagener, H. J. (2019): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wyrwich, M. (2019): Migration restrictions and long-term regional development: evidence from large-scale expulsions of Germans after World War II, in: Journal of Economic Geography, Ibz024,


Wagener, H. J. and Rudolph, F. (2018): Ownership under East-German Communism - A One-Way Street. In: Kovács, J. M. (ed.): Populating No Man's Land. Economic Concepts of Ownerwhip under Communism. Lanham: Lexington Books, 113-41.

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