Project News

Jarina Kühn

Jarina Kühn: Successful proposal defense in the BIGSSS

On June 09, 2020, Jarina Kühn successfully defended her PhD proposal in the BIGSSS. As a PhD student at the Bremen International Graduate School for Social Sciences (BIGSSS) she has thus passed an important milestone.

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Mod-Block-DDR starts online colloquium

As a result of the restrictions due to Covid-19, the research consortium Mod-Block-DDR also has no possibility to hold regular working and consortium meetings with physical presence. We regret this very much, but would like to use the benefits of technical progress to maintain scientific exchange…

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Charlotta Cordes: Sucessfull Defense in the BIGSSS

On 12 May 2020, Charlotta Cordes successfully defended her PhD proposal in the BIGSSS. She has thus passed an important milestone as a PhD student at the Bremen International Graduate School for Social Sciences (BIGSSS).

Charlotta Cordes is a research associate in the joint project Mod-Block-DDR…

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Thore Sören Bischoff visits Bremen as a guest researcher

From February 3 to 7, 2020, Thore Sören Bischof will visit the working group "Innovation and Structural Change" in the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. During this time, he will work with Ann Hipp on an empirical paper analyzing the influence of informal institutions on innovation. This…

Blick auf das Zeitgeschichtliche Forum in Leipzig

"The GDR - Perspectives of their Research 30 Years after the Peaceful Revolution" - Meeting of the Research Projects in Leipzig

On 11th and 12th December 2019, the 14 research projects financed under the BMBF's "GDR Research" funding line met in Leipzig to presented their work and exchange information on activities in the field of transfer and the promotion of young researchers. Four representatives of the "Mod-Block-DDR"…

Michael Rochlitz together with his two colleagues Rebecca Maurer and Olga Masyutina

Inaugural lecture by Michael Rochlitz

On December 5, Michael Rochlitz, Professor of Economics, especially Institutional Change, gave his inaugural lecture at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics of the University of Bremen. He gave a broad overview of his current research on the relationship between political institutions and…

Jarina Kühn

Jarina Kühn takes part in the Qualiservice user workshop

On 14 and 15 November 2019, Jarina Kühn attended a user workshop of Qualiservice. Qualiservice is an accredited research data centre for qualitative social science research data in the SOCIUM (Research Centre for Inequality and Social Policy) of the University of Bremen, supported by the DFG (German…

Jarina Kühn und Dr. Anna M. Steinkamp

Presentation by Anna Steinkamp and Jarina Kühn on entrepreneurial habitus in the workshop "East German Crisis Experiences and their Consequences" at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

On 8 and 9 November 2019, the workshop "East German Crisis Experiences and their Consequences" took place in Göttingen. To mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, scientists from various disciplines presented a range of topics on the effects of transformation: life satisfaction and…

Regional Studies Association

Ann Hipp has participated in the conference on resilience and transformation research at HTWK Leipzig

From 06 to 07 November 2019, an international conference of the Regional Studies Association took place in Leipzig. Ann Hipp has participated in the conference by presenting current research results from the Mod-Block-DDR project. The Regional Studies Association hosted a workshop about „Future…

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30 Years of the Fall of the Wall - Jutta Günther as studio guest at "buten un binnen"

On the occasion of the event "30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall" the Bremen regional TV magazine "buten un binnen" dealt with the question of the social and economic integration of East and West Germany. Jutta Günther was invited as a studio guest and answered the questions of the…

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