How do students actually learn in times of Covid19? Predominantly virtually, of course – but not only in formally organized online courses, but also self-directed and informally through their own trial and error, feedback, and reflection. Together with Janika Dannowsky and Prof. Dr. Niclas Schaper, Dr. Julian Decius has investigated which personal characteristics are related to formal and informal learning during studies.
The analysis of data from over 800 students at German universities shows, for instance, that extroverted and neurotic students are more likely to learn informally. Students who like to compare their performance with others (social reference norm) are more likely to learn formally. Conscientiousness is important for both forms of learning, but the association with formal learning is higher. The resulting implications for teaching practice are also discussed in the article, which was published in German as a chapter in the edited volume "Hochschule auf Abstand" (transcript Verlag) and is freely available online here.