
Korri with Champagne on New Year's Eve

Korri wishes a Happy New Year

The professorship wishes all students a Happy New Year and a great start to 2025.

Profile of RIcarda Kochems

Welcome, Ricarda Kochems

We would like to welcome our new colleague Ricarda Kochems! Ricarda Kochems will be teaching this semester and play a key role in shaping the course "Data Analysis."

Logo of Türk Alman Üniversitesi

Lectureship in Instanbul

This winter semester, Prof. Missong will again take up a teaching assignment at the Türk-Alman University in Istanbul.

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Have a good start into the winter semester 2024/25!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the winter semester 2024/25!

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Lying and Misleading with Data

As part of the lecture series "Lying and Misleading with Data", Prof. Dr. Missong will give a lecture at the University of Münster on January 18th 2024.

Prof. Dr. Missong congratulates Dr. Horn for his dissertation

Award for Dr. Maximilian Horn

Congratulations to Dr. Maximilian Horn, who was awarded a special prize of the Deutsche Bundesbank for his dissertation in our field of work "Technology Acceptance, Path Dependence, and the Demand for Robo-Advisory Services"!

Logo of Türk Alman Üniversitesi

Lectureship in Instanbul

This winter semester, Prof. Missong will again take up a teaching assignment at the Türk-Alman University in Istanbul.

Profile picture of Professor Martin Missong

Office Hours Prof. Dr. Missong

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong's office hours this semester take place every Monday during lecture time between 2 pm and 3 pm.

A welcome video by Prof. Missong regarding the new module "Data Analysis"

Further information is available on  Stud.IP!

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Visiting time Prof. Dr. Missong

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong's visiting hours this semester take place every Monday during lecture time between 15:00 and 16:00 o'clock.

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Have a good start into the summer semester 2023!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2023!

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Visiting time Prof. Dr. Missong

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong's visiting hours this semester are every Monday during lecture time between 14:00 and 15:00 o'clock. On 31.10. no consultation hour takes place.

Lectureship in Istanbul

In the winter semester 2022/23, Prof. Missong will be teaching at the Türk-Alman Üniversitesi in Istanbul and will therefore be working in Turkey on a weekly basis.

Conference Contribution

Maximilian Horn and Martin Missong will present their paper "An Augmented UTAUT Model for Robo-Advisor Adoption" at Americas' Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2022 in August.

Guest Lecture

On May 25, Prof. Dr. Dr. Hanjo Hamann will give a guest lecture on "Legal linguistics - a basic discipline in the making?" as part of the key qualification course "Statistics in Court?" (Lecture hall H1010, building GW1, 12:00 c.t.)

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Have a good start into the summer semester!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2022!

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Have a good start into the new semester!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the winter semester 2021/22!

Dr. Tanja Ihden will leave our work area as of 1. September

Dr. Tanja Ihden will leave our work area as of 1. September. She is going to lead transnational study programs at the University of Applied Sciences Krems in Austria.

Korri der Korrelationskoala lächelt freundlich und hebt den rechten Arm.

Have a good start into the new semester!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2021!

Coventry University

COIL-Project „Business Analytics Application in Industries“ successfully completed

The Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) – course „Business Analytics Application in Industries“ in cooperation with the Coventry University and the GISMA Business School has been completed with a closing event on the 12th of april 2021.

Kolloquium Paola Janßen

Promotion Paola Janßen

Paola Janßen has successfully completed her dissertation entitled "Inference with empirical theorems - investigating the connection between statistical and legal methods of persuasion".

A person sitting on a balcony, working on their laptop, and drinking coffee.

Start of the semester

We wish all students a good start into the next digital semester and welcome the new students at the University of Bremen!

European Center for Alternative Finance

Presentation at 4th European Alternative Finance Research Conference

Tim Vintis presented the paper "Are Sustainability-Oriented Investors Different? Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding" at the 4th European Alternative Finance Research Conference at Utrecht University on 6 October. The paper was written in collaboration with Lars Hornuf and Eliza Stenzhorn.

Jana Sell

Teaching assignment at North German Academy for Finance and Tax Law

By the end of the year, Jana Sell had received a teaching assignment at the North German Academy for Finance and Tax Law in Bremen. There she teaches the financial candidates in the subject "Business Administration".

Theo Berger

Professor of Statistics and Data Sciences

Prof. Dr. Theo Berger is the new Professor for Statistics and Data Analytics at the Harz University of Applied Sciences, but will remain with us as a private lecturer. We wish Prof. Dr. Theo Berger all the best and much success also at the Harz University of Applied Sciences!

Notepad on a table.

Good luck!

We wish all students good luck for all upcoming exams in the upcoming exam phase!

Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics

New paper in the journal "Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics"

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong, together with Dr. Ludwig Heinzelmann, published the article "Nonlinear interest rate-setting behaviour of German commercial banks" published in the latest issue of "Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics".


Exam: "Working with Microsoft Excel"

The next exam for the eGS course "Working with Microsoft Excel" will take place on 09 June. Please remember to register in time for the exam and book a place in the test center via Stud.IP.

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Teaching assignment at the Harz University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Tanja Ihden has received a teaching assignment from the Harz University of Applied Sciences and will give a lecture in statistics in the business administration course of studies in the digital summer semester 2020.

Skype Konferenz

Teaching in Summer Term 2020

The professorship's team will of course continue to be available to you in the summer semester 2020 - even if only in digital form. For information on the course Statistics please register for the respective Stud.IP courses on lecture, exercise and tutorials.

The Central Campus Area station and the Student House.

Availability of the professorship

Due to current developments in connection with the corona virus, the professorship can only be accessed electronically until further notice. The sale of scripts is therefore also temporarily suspended. Stay at home and stay healthy!


Country Coordinator Germany for ISLP

Dr. Tanja Ihden was appointed as Country Coordinator for Germany of the International Statistical Literacy Project.

Martin Missong

Office hours Prof. Dr. Missong

The office hours of Prof. Dr. Martin Missong will only take place during the semester break by prior arrangement.

Schwarzlicht Völkerball Turnier

Black Light Sports Nights

Our team took part in this year's black light dodgeball tournament of sports economics students. In a strong group of 7, we missed the entry into the knockout phase unfortunately by a very narrow margin as third in the group.

Uffmann Sonderpreis Deutsche Bundesbank

Special prize of the Deutsche Bundesbank

The EmpWiFo team congratulates Dr. Christina Uffmann: Her dissertation on the measurement of liquidity risks was awarded the "Special Prize of the Deutsche Bundesbank for Economic Theses 2019" at the University of Bremen!

Coventry University

Cooperation with Coventry University

The work area strengthens the cooperation with the University of Coventry: Together with Coventry University and UFS in Bloemfontein (South Africa), Prof. Missong is currently running a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) - Course (B.A.) on "Data/Business Analytics".

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Lecture at Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel

On 23 January 2020, Prof. Missong will give a lecture on "Statistics and Law - Methodological and Didactic Challenges" at the Mathematics Department of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel.


Job advertisement Tutor for Statistics in the summer semester 2020

At the Chair of Empirical Economic Research and Applied Statistics, positions as a tutor for the module Statistics are to be filled for the summer semester 2020.

Notepad on a table.

Happy New Year

The professorship wishes all students a Happy New Year! We would also like to remind you that registration for the upcoming exam phase is only possible until 10.01.

Frohe Weihnachten

Happy Holidays!

The empirical economic research team wishes all students happy and restful holidays!

Martin Missong

Visiting time Prof. Dr. Martin Missong

The office hours of Prof. Dr. Martin Missong are cancelled on 03.12.. Starting from that 07.12. the consulting hour takes place as used in the lecture time Tuesday between 10:00 and 11:00 clock.

Statistik klipp & klar

Statistik klipp & klar

Together with Björn and Sören Christensen, Prof. Dr. Martin Missong has published the textbook "Statistik klipp & klar". The book is published in the "WiWi klipp & klar" series of Springer Verlag, in which economic contents are presented in an understandable and concise way.

Vortrag HU Berlin Tim Vintis

Presentation at 7. Crowdinvesting Symposium in Berlin

Tim Vintis has presented his Working Paper "Are Green Investors Less Rational? Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding" at the 7th Crowdinvesting Symposium at the Humboldt-University Berlin.


Exam views Analysis of Economic Data/Statistics Summer term 2019

The exams for the exams "Analysis of Economic Data" and "Statistics" from the summer semester 2019 will take place on 26.11. in the test center. Information about the registration can be found in the corresponding course in Stud.IP.

Martin Missong

Visiting time Prof. Dr. Missong

The visiting time of Prof. Dr. Martin Missong take place this semester during the lecture time every Tuesday between 12:00 and 13:00 o'clock. On 22.10., 19.11. and 03.12. no consultation hour takes place.

Analyse von Wirtschaftsdaten Skript

Script Sale

You can purchase the scripts for the events of the professorship on the following dates this semester:

Prüfung Derivatehändler

Certified Derivatives Trader

Tim Vintis has successfully completed the examination as "Certified Derivatives Trader (Eurex)" of Deutsche Börse AG. The exam was offered for the first time this year at the University of Bremen and was successfully passed by six participants.

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Workshop at MPI in Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong, Dr. Tanja Ihden and Paola Janßen held a workshop on 20 September at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Private Law in Hamburg entitled "Statistics in Court - A Workshop on Data-Based Decision-Making in Law".

Türk Alman Üniversitesi

Guest lecture in Istanbul

Within the framework of the German-Turkish scientific cooperation, Prof. Dr. Martin Missong will give the lecture "Econometrics I" in the course of studies "Economics" of the Türk Alman Üniversitesi in Istanbul.

Statistische Woche 2019 in Trier

Dr. Theo Berger, Dr. Tanja Ihden, Jana Sell and Tim Vintis participated together in the conference "Statistische Woche 2019" from 10 - 13 September in Trier. Dr. Theo Berger and Dr. Tanja Ihden gave speeches on statistical literacy and statistics in finance.

Tanja Ihden

New paper in the ZDRW

Dr. Tanja Ihden has published a new paper in the journal Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft (ZDRW) with the title: "Recht auf Bilder?: Visualisierungen im juristischen Kontext zur Wissensvermittlung und –verarbeitung".

A number of listeners sitting in a row in a lecture hall.

Good luck!

We wish you much success for all upcoming exams in the coming exam phase!

Kolloquium Christina Uffmann

Promotion by Christina Uffmann

We congratulate Christina Uffmann on her successful promotion! The topic of her dissertation is: "Die ökonometrische Bestimmung von Liquiditätsrisiken und deren Einfluss auf Finanzrisikoprognosen".

Workshop Bremen Tax Office

Workshop at Bremen Tax Office

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong and Jana Sell conducted a workshop on statistical basics in tax audits at the Bremen tax office. The aim was to impart knowledge of statistical methods for practical application in external audits.

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Visiting time Prof. Dr. Missong

Until the end of Summer term 2019, the visiting time of Prof. Dr. Martin Missong will be possible after previous arrangement only.

DHV Logo

Presentation at Deutscher Hochschulverband

Prof. Missong will hold a presentation at 04.06. about "e-Exams in Practice" at the seminar "e-Exams" at Deutscher Hochschulverband in Bonn.


Inspection of exams "Introductory Econometrics" and "Econometrics"

Insights of exams in "Introductory Econometrics" and "Econometrics" of past winter term, will be on 15.05.2019 at 08:00 a.m. (bachelor exams) and 08:30 a.m. (master exams). Information for registration of the insights can be found at Stud.IP.

Deggendorf 2019

15. Deggendorfer Forum for digital Data Analysis

Dr. Tanja Ihden, Jana Sell and Tim Vintis participated at the 15. Deggendorfer Forum for digital Data Analysis. Designated experts spoke to this years topic "Algorithms - Tools of a new thinking?".

Lehre hoch N

"Lehre hoch N" program by Toepfer-Stiftung

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong and Dr. Tanja Idhen are with the research project "Statistics in Court" participants of "Lehre hoch N" program by Toepfer-Stiftung, which encourages interdisciplinary research topics.

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New eGerneral Studies Lecture: Working with Microsoft Excel

With begin of summer term 2019 the professorship offers a new eGerneal Studies lecture "Working with Microsoft Excel" for all students.

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Script Sale

Script for lectures of the professorship can be purchased at following dates:

Office hours during non-lecture period

During non-lecture period, our office is regulary open on monday, tuesday and thursdray from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. .

Good luck!

The Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics wish all students much success for the upcoming exams!

Economists-Ranking: Top 100 researchers under 40 years

Dr. Theo Berger recorded in ranking of top 100 researchers under 40 years of business studies. The ranking is created and published by "Wirtschaftswoche" and rates strong and young researches in Germany.

Vacancy: Student tutor in Statistics

There are vacancies for student tutors in Statistics at the Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics.

Conference: "3. Fachtagung Rechtsdidaktik in Österreich 2018"

Dr. Tanja Ihden and Charlotte Schuchardt spoke at the conference "3. Fachtagung Rechtsdidaktik in Österreich 2018" in Salzburg.

PhD candidate

Mr. Tim Vintis will work as new PhD candidate at the professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics by 01.11.2018.

Visiting time

Visiting time of Prof. Dr. Martin Missong during winter semester 18/19 take place during the semester every Tuesday from 12 a.m. to 1 p.m.

New address

The professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics moved to an other building!