
Benefit of artificial intelligence in the analysis of morphological image data to predict cancer incidence and mutation status in patients with a high-risk constellation for familial breast and ovarian cancer

Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease among women. Since there are currently no preventive measures, early detection of tumors through screenings is emphasized. During these screenings, mammography and MRI data are collected.

In Pro-Mics-BrCa, we aim to more accurately predict the risk of tumor development in the following years based on the image data. A low false prediction rate is important to avoid unnecessary procedures like biopsies and to prevent causing anxiety among patients.

Methodologically, we use both classical biomarkers (radiomics) from image data and modern neural networks. An important component is determining risk mutations in breast tissue. Our long-term goal is to provide a toolkit for better prediction of cancer development.


Tom Koller

Project Period

2020-2024 (Concluded)


Verschiedene Segmentierungen der Brust auf MRT Daten


SPIE Medical Imaging Logo
RG Digital Medicine| Pro-Mics-BrCa|

Kai Geißler presents a poster at SPIE Medical Imaging in San Diego

Kai Geißler presented the poster "Deformable current-prior registration of DCE breast MR images on multi-site data" at SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing in San Diego. The article demonstrates the registration of follow-up examinations.

Verschiedene Segmentierungen der Brust auf MRT Daten
RG Digital Medicine| Pro-Mics-BrCa|

Ani Ambroladze presents Poster at BVM Workshop

Ani Ambroladze presented the Poster "CNN-Based Whole Breast Segmentation in Longitudinal High-Risk MRI Study" at the BVM 2023 in Braunschweig. It is our first paper in the "Pro-Mics-BrCa" project, showing off the breast segmentation on MRI images.

Project Partners

Dr. Eva Maria Fallenberg, Dr. Michael Ingrisch et. al. (LMU Munich)

Dr. Christoph Engel et. al.  (University of Leipzig)

Prof. Dr. Rita Schmutzler et. al. (University  Hospital Cologne)

Prof. Dr. Nico Karssemeijer et. al. (Nijmegen)

Deutsches Konsortium für Familiären Brust- und Eierstockkrebs



Universität Bremen Grafik

Ani Ambroladze


Breast-MRI, Deep Learning

Portät von Horst Hahn
Porträt von Kai Geissler

Kai Geißler°


Deep Learning, Med. Image Analysis, Breast-MRI, Uncertainty


Tom Koller in seinem Bürostuhl
Tom Lucas Koller

Dr.-Ing. Tom Koller

Teaching & Research

Modeling & Simulation, Tracking, Anomaly Detection



Funded By

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  • Go to page: Logo des Fraunhofer MEVIS