We are pleased to invite you to another talk in the artec colloquium series: ‘artec on site: Sustainability Research in Bremen’. On 22.01.2025, Dr Torben Stührmann from artec and the Resilient Energy Systems Group of the FB4 of the University of Bremen will speak about ‘hyBit – Perspektiven aus der Forschung auf die Wasserstofftransformation in Norddeutschland’. The talk will be held in German. We look forward to your participation!
hyBit – Perspektiven aus der Forschung auf die Wasserstofftransformation in Norddeutschland
Dr. Torben Stührmann
artec Sustainability Research Center & FB4 / Department for Resilient Energy Systems, University of Bremen
The transformation of the steel industry represents one of the greatest challenges for the industry's climate neutrality. The hyBit research project is investigating the socio-technical possibilities of decarbonising steel production through the use of green hydrogen at the Bremen site, among others. The presentation will highlight the specific challenges of the transformation process at the Bremen steel site, where ArcelorMittal's steelworks produces around 3.5 million tonnes of crude steel per year. Both the technological aspects of the conversion from coking coal-based to hydrogen-based direct reduction and the necessary infrastructure adjustments and regional value creation effects will be discussed. A particular focus is on the complex challenges and uncertainties that are currently arising in the ramp-up of the future hydrogen economy. The findings from the hyBit project will become part of a monitoring platform that will provide important impetus for shaping the industrial transformation and maintaining the competitiveness of Bremen as an industrial location.
This event will take place on 22 January 2025, 18:00, in the rooms of the Department for Resilient Energy Systems:
Department for Resilient Energy Systems
NEOS building
4th floor, Virtual Transformation Lab
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 8a
28359 Bremen
If entrance is closed, please ring the bell at 3rd & 4th floor Uni Bremen!
You can find more information about the artec colloquium here.