
The cloud cover from above

Project staff
Michael Flitner (project lead), Werner Krauß

09/2022 - 02/2027

EU (Horizon Europe)

Project partners
The EU project involves 29 partners from 13 countries, including several national weather services, the World Meteorological Organisation, the German Climate Service, professional providers of Climate services and scientific research institutions. The project manager is the Super Computing Center in Barcelona.

In the context of the implementation of a European climate policy, the provision and effective use of scientific climate knowledge is of fundamental importance. On the way to climate neutrality, the so-called climate services provide information on decision-making, risk management and the identification of solutions. In recent years, a veritable market for this type of knowledge transfer has emerged. However, the different developers and providers of climate-related knowledge know little about each other, and there is a lack of inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge as well as adequate quality management or common standards. The climateurope2 project is set up to develop these standards, create a community of climate services and promote their acceptance.
Work package 5 "Policy support for climate", which is led by artec, is about comparing the range of existing climate services with the perception and needs on the ground, sounding out the limits of standardization and expanding the range of and self-image of climate services accordingly. The work package uses approaches from social sciences and anthropology. The focus is on determining the location-based needs for climate knowledge with the help of "narratives of change". The aim is to create trust and enable value-based climate action.

Project coordinator

Michael Flitner


Universität Bremen
Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 7
28359 Bremen

Phone +49 (0) 421 / 218-61844
Fax +49 (0) 421 / 218-9861844
E-Mail: flitnerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de