David Beier M.Sc.
- Economic and technical integration of fluctuating renewable energies
- Congestion management and system operation of electrical grids
- Sizing of decentral, renewable energy systems
- Cellular energy systems
J. Bergner, B. Siegel, D. Beier, V. Quaschning, N. Pflugradt, T. Boström, „Metering Solar Energy for Rental Flats“, 7. Solar Integration Workshop, Berlin, 10/2017.
B. Siegel, J. Bergner, D. Beier, V. Quaschning, „PV in Städten - Erkenntnisse über Potenziale und Hürden in Berlin“, 32. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Bad Staffelstein, 03/2017.
J. Weniger, J. Bergner, D. Beier, M. Jakobi, T. Tjaden, V. Quaschning, “Grid Feed-in Behavior of Distributed PV Battery Systems”, 31. European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 03/2015.
J. Weniger, J. Bergner, T. Tjaden, D. Beier, V. Quaschning, „Einsatz von Batteriespeichern zur Verbesserung der Netzintegration von Photovoltaiksystemen“, 2. Konferenz Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien, Berlin, 01/2015.
D. Beier, J. Bergner, T. Tjaden, J. Weniger, V. Quaschning, “Combining Residential PV Systems With Batteries: A Key Measure For PV Grid Integration”, International School on Energy Systems by FZ Jülich, Bad Endorf, 09/2014.
K. Burges, M. Döring, D. Beier, F. Lobas-Funck, und C. Reinhold, „Residential PV Systems - Technology Trends, Regulation and Their Impact on Market Development (SIW17-228)“, in 7th Solar Integration Workshop, Berlin, 2017.
Since 2018
Researcher at the University of Bremen in the research project QUARREE100 funded by the German federal ministries of economics and energy as well as education and research
2017 – 2018
Consultant at Ecofys Germany GmbH in the unit „Energy Systems and Markets“
2014 – 2017
Student assistant in the research group „solar storage systems“ in the context of the research projects „PVStore“ and „PV2City“
Student assistant at the chair of solar architecture (University of Applied Sciences Berlin)
2011 – 2017
B. Sc. und M. Sc. in Renewable Energies at University of Applied Sciences Berlin
2006 – 2011
B. A. in Governmental Sciences at University Erfurt