Yvonne Rogers, Professor at University College London (UCL) and Director of its Interaction Centre (UCLIC), visited us at the Digital Media Lab by end of June to attend the defenses of her PHD students Nadine Wagner and Evropi Stefanidi, as well as Nima Zargham's, whom she supervised and supportet during his research visit to London and on several research projects. Yvonne took part in our PhD Defense Marathon, serving on the committee for four PhD defenses over the course of two days
Yvonne Rogers is known for her fundamental research in the field of technologies for augmenting and “augmenting” human abilities. She currently holds an "Excellence Chair" at the University of Bremen where she and her team are investigating how personal data can be used in combination with AI techniques from a human-centered perspective to improve the quality of healthcare.
We were very pleased to welcome Yvonne at our Lab.