Member's profile

Andreas Baumeister

: Andreas Baumeister

Complete publication list:


Building/room:  Grazer Straße 4 (GRA4) A2140
Phone:  +49 421 218-68942

Current activities and functions

  • Research associate at the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck in the BMBF project “Structural development in vocational teacher training (SteBs)” (until 12/2023) and in the BMBF project “Development of a decentralized learning infrastructure (DELI)” as part of the “Transfer cluster of academic teaching care institutions in long-term care (TCALL)” (from 01/2024)


Main research areas

  • Applied research on interactionist nursing didactics
  • Teaching and learning with digital media
  • Workplace-based learning
  • Conception of further training courses for teachers (vocational school teaching and practical guidance) in the nursing and healthcare professions





  • German Society for Nursing Science (DGP)
  • German Professional Association for Nursing Professions (DBfK)
  • German Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (DVNLP)

Academic and professional career

since 2024 Research associate at the University of Bremen, IPP, Department 4: Qualification and Curriculum Research. Currently in the BMBF project “Development of a decentralized learning infrastructure (DELI)” within the framework of “Transfer Cluster of Academic Teaching Care Institutions in Long-Term Care (TCALL)”

2016-2023 Research associate at the University of Bremen, IPP, Department 4: Qualification and Curriculum Research, among others in the teacher training program Nursing Science [2016-2020], in the project CARO (Care-ReflectionOnline: Mediengestützte Reflexion beruflicher Erfahrungen in der Pflegeausbildung) [2017-2020] and in the SteBs project (Strukturentwicklung für die Berufsschullehrerbildung) as part of the BMBF-funded teacher training quality campaign [2020-2023]

Since 2019 Owner and technical director of Methodenkoffer Praxisanleitung (MKPA®)

2019-2021 Training courses: Trainer (DVNLP), DVWO QM certified trainer and online trainer (iloct ®)

2016-2019 Training courses: Master Coach (DVNLP) and Master Coach (ICI). Basic and coaching training

Since 2016 Lecturer in nursing management and vocational education courses for health and social professions

2013-2015 Project collaborator with Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck at the IPP, Department of Qualification and Curriculum Research [2013-2015] and at the University of Bremen Campus GmbH, UBC Centre for Nursing and Education [2015]

Since 2005 Self-employed trainer in the healthcare and education sector, including in vocational training (healthcare & nursing, geriatric care) as well as in further and advanced training, e.g. with a focus on nursing management (for WBL, PDL) and with a focus on vocational education (for practice instructors, teachers)

2011-2016 Study at the University of Bremen with the degree M.A. Public Health / Nursing Science

2007-2011 Studies & propaedeutic course with a focus on vocational education at the University of Bremen. Graduation: B.A. Nursing Science

2006-2007 Further education: Practice instructor for nursing professions (DBfK). Further training at the DBfK regional association Bremen, Hamburg & Schleswig-Holstein

2005-2010 Specialist nurse in the inpatient & outpatient sector (including geriatric psychiatry, outpatient institute)

2003-2005 Further education: (Specialist) nurse for psychiatry (DKG) at the district of Swabia

2003-2005 Professional education: 'Person-centered conversation' according to Carl Rogers at the Bildungswerk des Verbandes der Bayerischen Bezirke

1999-2005 Healthcare and nursing assistant at the Augsburg district hospital

1995-1998 Professional education: Healthcare & nursing







  • Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Andreas Baumeister (2022). Fortbildungsbedarf von Pflegelehrerinnen und Pflegelehrern, Online-Ressource . Frankfurt : DIPF Leibniz Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation.
  • Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Andreas Baumeister (2017). Qualifikationsmix in der stationären Krankenpflege - Einsatzpotenziale für Pflegehelferberufe. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 46 ( 1 ), 16-19 .
  • Crossref Metadata SearchEntwicklung einer problemorientierten Wissensdatenbank für Pflegende. HeilberufeScience.