Member's profile

Evelyn Wiencek

: Evelyn Wiencek

Building/room:  Grazer Straße 4 (GRA4) A2100
Phone:  +49 421-218-68945

E-Mail:  wiencekprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Current activities & functions

  • Research associate at the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck in the project “Development and trial of a tool to determine qualification-oriented staffing ratios using a new scientifically based procedure for standardizing staffing requirements. Pilot programme in accordance with Paragraph 8, Section 3b of the German Social Code, Vol. 11 ”


Main areas of research

  • Qualification of nursing staff (in long-term inpatient care)
  • Qualification mix model in long-term inpatient care





  • DBfK (The German Nurses Association)

2023 to present Research associate at the University of Bremen FB 11, IPP Department 4, Qualification and Curriculum Research

2021-2023 Research associate/study program coordinator at the Apollon University of Applied Sciences Bremen

2018-2019 Human Resources Manager, Distance Learning Program Applied Health Sciences at the University of Bielefeld

2017-2019 Student assistant at Leibniz University Hannover, Institute for Vocational Education and Adult Education

2016-2022 Teacher in the education of nursing professionals

2015-2021 Master's degree in educational sciences with a focus on vocational education at Leibniz University Hannover

2008-2014 Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Educational Sciences at Georg August University Göttingen and Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.

2008-2019 Nurse in various care and healthcare settings in Göttingen, Gießen and Braunschweig

2005-2008 Nursing education as a healthcare and nursing assistant