Toolbox for assessing sex/gender diversity in quantitative health research

Summary publication on the development and content of the DIVERGesTOOL project toolbox published

The publication "DIVERGesTOOL - Entwicklung einer Toolbox zur Erfassung geschlechtlicher Vielfalt in der quantitativen Gesundheitsforschung" (DIVERGesTOOL - Development of a toolbox for recording gender diversity in quantitative health research), which was written under the leadership of Sophie Horstmann and Gabriele Bolte from the Department of Social Epidemiology at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, has just been published in the scientific journal Bundesgesundheitsblatt. This publication presents the application-oriented DIVERGesTOOL toolbox for assessing gender diversity, which was developed as part of the DIVERGesTOOL research project. The project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Health, was carried out from 2020 to 2023 in cooperation with Gender Studies at Humboldt-University of Berlin and Gender Medicine at the Medical Center of Radboud University in Nijmegen.


The publication is now available online via the Bundesgesundheitsblatt website and will also appear in printed form in the September issue of the journal.


The toolbox is available free of charge online via the project website (




Sophie Horstmann

Abteilung Sozialepidemiologie

Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung

sophie.horstmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Screenshot der Startseite der Online-Toolbox des Projekts DIVERGesTOOL