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11th World Congress of Constitutional Law

Professors Pia Lange and Lars Viellechner from Bremen University at the 11th World Congress of Constitutional Law in Johannesburg. 11th World Congress of Constitutional Law: Constitutional Transformations, University of Johannesburg/South Africa, 5 – 9 December 2022

Prof. Dr. Pia Lange and Prof. Dr. LarsViellechner gave talks at the 11th World Congress of Constitutional Law of the International Association of Constitutional Law, which took place at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa from 5 to 9 December 2022.

From 5 to 9 December 2022, the University of Johannesburg in South Africa hosted the 11th World Congress of Constitutional Law (WCCL) of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) on the subject of “Constitutional Transformations”. The Congress only takes place every four years and was hosted on the African continent for the first time.

From the Faculty of Law of Bremen University, Prof. Dr. Pia Lange and Prof. Dr. LarsViellechner participated in the Congress and gave talks as part of the scientific programme. Prof. Dr. Pia Lange talked about “The Right of City, the Right to Housing” in the Workshop “Constitutional Transformations and the City”. Prof. Dr. LarsViellechner gave a talk on “The Constitution of Online Platforms” in the Workshop “The Constitutional Status of the Private Internet Authorities Before a New Public Sovereignty”. The organisation committee created a lively atmosphere and enabled an intensive exchange between more than 600 participants from 71 countries. The scientific programme was complemented, among other things, by an impressive guided tour of the South African Constitutional Court.