First Aid

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"First aid" refers to life-saving and health-preserving emergency measures, which anyone can learn and apply in medical emergencies, e.g. cases of respiratory or circulatory arrest. In the rescue chain, first responders alert rescue services, safeguard the accident site and look after patients until professional help arrives. First aid is not only important in cases of road or recreational accidents, but also for accidents at the workplace.

If you would like to take part in a first aid course and join the team of first responders, please contact Faculty administration. The colleagues of the administrative team will be pleased to provide advice.

First Responders


Ballesteros Gonzalez, Daniela (Room 40050, Tel: 66201)

Erkens, Bettina (Room 30029, Tel: 66003)

Knipper, Margit (Room 20029, Tel: 66208)

Lange, Eva (Room 20062, Tel: 66213)

Ohlmann, Henri (Room 30032, Tel:66001)

Schäffer, Oliver (Room 30033, Tel: 66028)

Spalink, Antje (Room 40047, Tel: 66101)