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Vis Moot Team of the Faculty of Law receives “Honorable Mention” for Memorandum of Claimant

The Vis Moot team 2021/22 of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bremen received an “Honorable Mention” for the “Best Written Memorandum for Claimant” at the 19th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis East Moot).

The 19th Vis East Moot took place virtually in Hong Kong. Together in the two sister student competitions Vis East Moot in Hong Kong and Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis Moot) in Vienna, teams from over 400 law schools from all continents compete against each other. A “Honorable Mention” is awarded to the best 28 Memoranda for Claimant that are submitted to the Vis East Moot in Hong Kong.

The Vis Moot completions in Vienna and Hong Kong are the largest student completion in the field of private law. It is a simulated (moot) arbitration proceeding. The material law applicable is the CISG. Based on a case file of ca. 60 pages, the teams write a Memorandum for Claimant as well as a Memorandum for Respondent between September and January. Thereafter, the oral part of the competition begins. It consists of several optional Pre-Moots and four oral arbitration rounds against other universities during the actual competition. Besides the virtual competition in Hong Kong, this year the University of Bremen participated at in-person Pre-Moots in Dublin and Dubai and at several virtual Pre-Moots from New York to Kuala Lumpur. Further information about the activities of the Vis Moot team of the University of Bremen can be found at:

For the fifth year in a row, the University of Bremen is now participating in the Vis (East) Moot Competition. For the second time, the team of the University of Bremen received an Honorable Mention. The faculty takes pride in congratulating this year’s participants Janina Pecht, Hana Licina, Mia Elisabeth Thye, and Selin Ersoy. The dean of our faculty, Prof. Dr. Gralf-Peter Callies, was the academic supervisor of the team. It was coached by TobiasPinkel, LL.M. and RA’in, attorney-at law (NY) Sandra Gerdes, LL.M. and supported by the former Vis Moot participants Friedrich von Bosse, Paulina Skarke, Franca Braach, Fiona Anton-Haase, and Lucia Toma.

In the next academic year, the University of Bremen plans to participate at the 30th Vis Moot in Vienna. The organizer of the Vis Moot plan to return to the in-person format in the week before Eastern 2023 in Vienna. If you are interested to represent the University of Bremen during next year’s Vis Moot competition, place send a latter of application and your CV as well as a list of your exams during your law studies till 15 May 2022 to tobias.pinkelprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. Students studying in the second semester are kindly requested to send a copy of their A-level-exam (Abitur) in addition. Participation in the competition is particularly recommended for students in the second and fourth semester. Students who wish to participate in the competition are highly recommended to participate in the class “International Contract Law and Commercial Arbitration”, which is offered during this semester every Thursday, 6:00-7:30 pm.

3rd Dublin Vis Pre Mot Picture Conor McCabe Photography.