
Why study abroad?

A period of study abroad will give you the opportunity to get to now another country, experience a different study culture and become acquainted with another legal system. It also provides great opportunities for personal development - by promoting intercultural and language competence, tolerance, self-reliance and self-competence. In short, it will broaden your horizon and improve your future career opportunities. Also, there is no better way of making new, international contacts for your personal network than a study period abroad. 

For Hanse Law School students the study-abroad model is part of the curriculum:
LL.B. Comparative and European Law – during the 5th and 6th semester, LL.M. Transnational Law, study schedule A – during the 1st semester.

State examination students can complement their studies with one or two semesters abroad – from the 3rd semester onwards or after passing the intermediate examination.

Recognition of credits: credits obtained abroad can in principle be recognised. If your period of study is extended by one or two semesters due to your stay abroad, however, you can be assured that the experience, knowledge and soft skills gained will be appreciated by most institutions and companies. The experience abroad shown in your CV will prove you to be open-minded, self-asssured and dynamic. Non one can take this away from you, the time will not be wasted!

How to study abroad:

- Europe: with the ERASMUS+ Programme

- wordwide:  through bilateral cooperations agreements of the University of Bremen with tuition fee waivers or reductions or through worldwide exchange programmes (scholarhips, e.g. PROMOS, have to be applied for separately)

- generally as a free mover, i.e. you apply on your own initiative and without exchange programme to the university of your choice (scholarhips, e.g. PROMOS, have to be applied for separately).

We recommend you start early to plan and prepare for your stay abroad, at least 12 months before your studies are due to start!

For further information about studying abroad please visit the website of the International Office.


Internship abroad

An internship abroad is a good alternative or supplement to a period of study abroad. The practical work experience will provide some insight into the work envirnoment of another country, and prove very useful for future orientation in your studies and career choice.

LL.B. Comparative and European Law: a 14-week internship is a requirement, this will usuallytake play during the 8th semester.

State examination: the second internship (Schwerpunktpraktikum, at least 4 weeks) can take the form of an internship abroad, in general after the 5th semester. It may be expedient to do an internship following a period of study abroad. (Only in certain, exceptional cases it will be possible to do the first internship at a law firm in another country.)

<a href="https://www.oberlandesgericht.bremen.de/informationen/justizpruefungsamt/rechtsgrundlagen-1707" target="_blank">www.oberlandesgericht.bremen.de/informationen/justizpruefungsamt/rechtsgrundlagen-1707

For further information on an internship abroad please visit the website of the  International Office.