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Assessing Writing: An article by Claudia Harsch et al. has been selected for the Editors' Choice List

The article by Claudia Harsch, Valeriia Koval, Voula Kanistra and Ximena Delgado-Osorio, published in Assessing Writing, has been selected by the journal editors for the Editors' Choice list.

“Validating an integrated reading-into-writing scale with trained university students” is the title of the article published in the current issue of the journal ‘Assessing Writing’ (Volume 62). The journal's editors have recognized the study for its relevance and quality and have selected it for the Editors' Choice list.


The article validates a new rating scale for integrated reading and writing tasks in a university context. Using a mixed-methods approach, student performance was analyzed, with the results showing the functionality of the scale and simultaneously revealing room for improvement.

The study is part of a DFG-funded project on “Modeling Integrated Academic-Linguistic Competencies” (MASK), which is jointly coordinated by Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch (FB10 / SZHB) and Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig (DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt am Main). Valeriia Koval and Dr. Ximena Delgado-Osorio are research associates on the project, and Dr. Voula Kanistra is a senior researcher at Trinity College, London.


The article is freely available until March 31, 2025. Click here to go directly to the article.


Congratulations to the authors!

Updated by: SZHB