Spectroscopy Highlights

Towards coupling agent-free composites made from regenerated cellulose/HDPE by UV radiation-induced cross-linking pic

Towards coupling agent-free composites made from regenerated cellulose/HDPE by UV radiation-induced cross-linking

Raja Bade, Beate Gebert, Larisa Tsarkova, Thomas Bahners, Jochen S. Gutmann, Dietmar Koch, M. Mangir Murshed, Jörg Müssig

Composite Interfaces (2025:) 1-21


This research aims to enhance fibre-matrix adhesion in bio-based fibre-reinforced polyolefins…

Hexagons on rectangles: Epitaxial graphene on Ru pic

Hexagons on rectangles: Epitaxial graphene on Ru(1010)

Lars Buß, Giovanni Zamborlini, Cathy Sulaiman, Moritz Ewert, Mirko Cinchetti, Jens Falta, Jan Ingo Flege

Carbon 231 (2025): 119600


Ruthenium is emerging as a promising candidate to replace copper in highly integrated electronics by enabling barrierless…

Plagioclase feldspars (Ca1-xNa x )(Al2-xSi2+x)O8: synthesis and characterizations of mechanical weathering relevant to Martian regolith pic
X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

Plagioclase feldspars (Ca₁₋ₓNaₓ)(Al₂₋ₓSi₂₊ₓ)O₈: synthesis and characterizations of mechanical weathering relevant to Martian regolith

Izzuddin Jundullah Hanafi, Mohammad Mangir Murshed, Lars Robben, Thorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift Für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials (2024)


Plagioclase feldspars draw intensive research attention in planetary sciences because of their abundance in…

Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic characterization of defect-rich forsterite as a representative phase of Martian regolith pic
Materials Modelling| X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic characterization of defect-rich forsterite as a representative phase of Martian regolith

Muchammad Izzuddin Jundullah Hanafi, Lorenzo Bastonero, Mohammad Mangir Murshed, Lars Robben, Wilke Dononelli, Andrea Kirsch, Nicola Marzari, Thorsten M. Gesing

IUCrJ 11 (2024): 977-990


Regolith draws intensive research attention because of its importance…

Mechanochemical synthesis of (Mg1−xFe x )2SiO4 olivine phases relevant to Martian regolith: structural and spectroscopic characterizations article picture
X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

Mechanochemical synthesis of (Mg₁₋ₓFeₓ)₂SiO₄ olivine phases relevant to Martian regolith: structural and spectroscopic characterizations

Izzuddin Jundullah Hanafi, M. Mangir Murshed, Lars Robben, Thorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials (2024)


To fabricate metals from the base materials for future Mars exploration, synthesis of representative olivine phases…

[Translate to English:] Synthesis, characterization and structure-property relations in mullite-type Pb2(Pb1−xSn x )O4 solid solution article pic
Materials Modelling| X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

Synthesis, characterization and structure-property relations in mullite-type Pb₂(Pb₁₋ₓSnₓ)O₄ solid solution

Christopher S. Reuter, M. Mangir Murshed, Michael Fischer, Thorsten. M. Gesing 

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials (2024)


The crystal structures of both Pb2PbO4 (Pb3O4) and Pb2SnO4 at room temperature can be described using mullite-type…

Broadening the Realm of Nanoporous Gold Catalysts: Preparation and Properties When Emanating from AuCu as Parent Alloy article picture
X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

Broadening the Realm of Nanoporous Gold Catalysts: Preparation and Properties When Emanating from AuCu as Parent Alloy

Jorge Adrian Tapia Burgos, Christoph Mahr, Alex Ricardo Silva Olaya, Lars Robben, Marco Schowalter, Thorsten GesingAndreas Rosenauer, Gunther Wittstock, Arne Wittstock, Marcus Bäumer

ChemCatChem (2024): e202400280


Nanoporous gold (npAu) attracted…

Atomic vs. sub-atomic layer deposition: impact of growth rate on the optical and structural properties of MoS2 and WS2 article picture
Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

Atomic vs. sub-atomic layer deposition: impact of growth rate on the optical and structural properties of MoS₂ and WS₂

Christian Tessarek, Tim Grieb, Florian F Krause, Christian Petersen,  Alexander Karg, Alexander Hinz, Niels Osterloh, Christian Habben, Stephan Figge, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Thomas Schmidt,  Jens FaltaAndreas RosenauerMartin Eickhoff

2D Materials 11(2) (2024): 025031

DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/ad313…

sing convolutional neural networks for stereological characterization of 3D hetero-aggregates based on synthetic STEM data pic
Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

Using convolutional neural networks for stereological characterization of 3D hetero-aggregates based on synthetic STEM data

Luke Fox, Tom Kirstein, Christoph Mahr, Orkun Furat, Valentin Baric, Andreas Rosenauer, Lutz Mädler, Volker Schmidt

Machine Learning: Science and Technology (2024): 025007


The 3D nano/microstructure of materials can significantly influence their…

The Picture of GaN atomic electric fields from a segmented STEM detector: Experiment and simulation (2024)
Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

GaN atomic electric fields from a segmented STEM detector: Experiment and simulation

Tim Grieb, Florian F. Krause, Thorsten Mehrtens, Christoph Mahr, Beeke Gerken, Marco Schowalter, Bert Freitag, Andreas Rosenauer

Journal of Microscopy 295 (2024): 140-146


Atomic electric fields in a thin GaN sample are measured with the centre-of-mass approach…

Growth, catalysis, and faceting of α-Ga2O3 and α-(InxGa1−x)2O3 on m-plane α-Al2O3 by molecular beam epitaxy pic
X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy| Surface Analytics| Electron Microscopy|

Growth, catalysis, and faceting of α-Ga₂O₃ and α-(InₓGa₁₋ₓ)₂O₃ on m-plane α-Al₂O₃ by molecular beam epitaxy

Martin S. Williams, Manuel Alonso-Orts, Marco Schowalter, Alexander Karg, Sushma Raghuvansy, Jon P. McCandless, Debdeep Jena, Andreas RosenauerMartin Eickhoff, Patrick Vogt 

APL Materials 12 (2024): 011120


The growth of α-Ga2O3 and α-(InxGa1−x)2O3 on m-plane…

Figure from the paper of Guo et al.
3D Materials Analytics| Spectroscopy|

Gold Nanoparticle-Coated Bioceramics for Plasmonically Enhanced Molecule Detection via Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

Tongwei Guo, Jonas Schmidt, Mohammad Mangir MurshedKurosch RezwanMichael Maas

Advanced Engineering Materials 25 (2023): 2300942


Herein, feasibility of plasmonically enhanced molecule detection via surface-enhanced Raman scattering for ceramics that are…

Figure from the publication
Correlated Workflows| Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

Correlative analysis on InGaN/GaN nanowires: structural and optical properties of self-assembled short-period superlattices

Manuel Alonso‑Orts, Rudolfo Hötzel, Tim Grieb, Matthias Auf der Maur, Maximilian Ries, Felix Nippert, Benjamin März, Knut Müller‑Caspary, Markus R. Wagner, Andreas Rosenauer, Martin Eickhoff

DiscoverNano 18 (2023): 27


The influence of self-assembled…

Figure from the publication

Low‐energy electron microscopy intensity–voltage data – Factorization, sparse sampling and classification

Francesco Masia, Wolfgang Langbein, Simon Fischer, Jon-Olaf KrisponeitJens Falta

Journal of Microscopy  289 (2023): 91-106


Low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM) taken as intensity–voltage (I–V) curves provides hyperspectral images of surfaces, which can be used…

Oxygen Storage by Tin Oxide Monolayers on Pt3Sn(111) pic
Spectroscopy| Surface Analytics|

Oxygen Storage by Tin Oxide Monolayers on Pt₃Sn(111)

Lindsay R. MerteNicolas Braud, Lars Buß, Malthe Kjær Bisbo, Harald J. Wallander, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Jan Ingo Flege, Bjørk Hammer, Jens Falta, Edvin Lundgren

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 127(6) (2023): 2988-2994


The high performance of…

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In-situ, real-time investigations| Spectroscopy|

Growth Mechanism of Single-Domain Monolayer MoS₂ Nanosheets on Au(111) Revealed by In Situ Microscopy: Implications for Optoelectronics Applications

Moritz Ewert, Lars Buß, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Jens Falta, and Jan Ingo Flege

ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 5 (2022): 17702–17710


The nucleation and growth of single-layer molybdenum disulfide single-domain nanosheets is investigated by in situ low-energy electron…

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Correlated Workflows| In-situ, real-time investigations| X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

On red tin (II) oxide: temperature-dependent structural, spectroscopic, and thermogravimetric properties

Sarah Wittmann,  M. Mangir MurshedThorsten M. Gesing

Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 648 (2022): e20220031


Polycrystalline red tin(II)oxide (RSO) has been synthesized by a fast reflux method. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) data Rietveld refinement confirms the…

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In-situ, real-time investigations| Spectroscopy|

Phase Separation within Vanadium Oxide Islands under Reaction Conditions: Methanol Oxidation at Vanadium Oxide Films on Rh(111)

Bernhard von Boehn, Anton Weißbach, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Jan Ingo Flege, Jens Falta, Luca Gregoratti, Matteo Amati, Patrick Zeller, and Ronald Imbihl

J. Phys. Chem. C. 126 (2022): 19101–19112


Submonolayer coverages of V-oxide on Rh(111) condense during…

The İmage of Nano-crystalline precursor formation, stability, and transformation to mullite-type visible-light photocatalysts (2022)
X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

Nano-crystalline precursor formation, stability, and transformation to mullite-type visible-light photocatalysts

Thorsten M. GesingM. Mangir Murshed, Selina Schuh, Oliver Thüringer, Konrad Krämer, Tim Neudecker, Cecilia B. Mendive & Lars Robben 

Journal of Materials Science 57 (2022): 19280-19299


A new precursor for the formation of mullite-type visible-light…

The Picture of Enhanced weathering in the seabed: Rapid olivine dissolution and iron sulfide formation in submarine volcanic ash (2022)
3D Materials Analytics| Spectroscopy|

Enhanced weathering in the seabed: Rapid olivine dissolution and iron sulfide formation in submarine volcanic ash

Wolf-Achim Kahl, Andreas Klügel, Wolfgang BachMangir Murshed

American Mineralogist 107 (2022): 1668–1680


In basaltic volcanic ash recovered from a seamount at 3000 m water depth, we discovered marcasite and pyrite precipitation within cavities that formed…

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Plasmonic porous ceramics based on zirconia-toughened alumina functionalized with silver nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman scattering

Tongwei Guoa, Md Nurul Karim, Kowsik Ghosh, M. Mangir Murshed, Kurosch Rezwan, Michael Maas

Open Ceramics 9 (2022): 100228


We demonstrate the feasibility of plasmonic porous ceramics which combine the optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles with…

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Structural, vibrational, thermal, and magnetic properties of mullite-type NdMnTiO₅ ceramic

Kowsik Ghosh, M. Mangir Murshed, Thomas Frederichs, Naveen K. C. Muniraju, Thorsten M. Gesing

Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2021), 105, 2702-2712


Mullite-type RMn2O5 (R = Y, rare-earth element) ceramics are of ongoing research attention because of…

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X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

Thermal anomalies and phase transitions in Pb₂Sc₂Si₂O₉ and Pb₂In₂Si₂O₉

Mathias Gogolin, M. Mangir Murshed, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Detlef Klimm, Thorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 236 (2021): 283-292


Pb2Sc2Si2O9 and Pb2In2Si2O9, respectively, the scandium and indium containing structural…

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In-situ, real-time investigations| Spectroscopy|

Structural Transitions Driving Interface Pulses in Methanol Oxidation on Rh(110) and VOₓ/Rh(110): A LEEM Study

Bernhard von Boehn, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Jens Falta, Ronald Imbihl

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021): 22539–22546


With LEEM (low-energy electron microscopy) and micro-LEED as in situ techniques we have studied the structural transitions in the…

The Transition From MoS2 Single-Layer to Bilayer Growth on the Au(111) Surface pic

The Transition From MoS₂ Single-Layer to Bilayer Growth on the Au(111) Surface

Moritz Ewert, Lars Buß, Nicolas Braud, Asish K. Kundu, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, Francesca Genuzio, Tevfik Onur Menteş, Andrea Locatelli, Jens Falta, Jan Ingo Flege

Front. Phys(2021): 654845


The transition from single-layer to bilayer growth…

Eine kreisrunde Fläche aufgefächert

The morphology of VO₂/TiO₂(001): terraces, facets, and cracks

Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Simon Fischer, Sven Esser, Vasily Moshnyaga, Thomas Schmidt, Louis F. J. Piper, Jan Ingo Flege, Jens Falta

Nature Scientific Reports 10 (2020): 22374


Vanadium dioxide (VO2) features a pronounced, thermally-driven metal-to-insulator…

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X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

KLi₂RE(BO₃)₂ (RE = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Y): Structural, Spectroscopic, And Thermogravimetric Studies on a Series of Mixed-Alkali Rare-Earth Orthoborates

Pengyun Chen, M. Mangir Murshed, Michael Fischer, Thomas Frederichs, Thorsten M. Gesing

Inorg. Chem 59 (2020): 18214–18224


We report a detailed structural, spectroscopic, and thermogravimetric investigation of a new series of mixed-alkali rare-earth…

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Adsorption of sulfur on Si(111)

Th. Schmidt, L. Buß, M. Ewert, G. Schönhoff, T. Wehling. J. Falta

Surface Science 694 (2020): 121561


The adsorption of S on Si(111)- 7  ×  7 has been investigated for different preparation schemes and parameters. S was supplied from an electrochemical Ag…

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Controlling the Multiscale Structure of Nanofibrous Fibrinogen Scaffolds for Wound Healing

Karsten Stapelfeldt, Stephani Stamboroski, Irina Walter, Naiana Suter, Thomas Kowalik, Monika Michaelis and Dorothea Brüggemann

Nano Letters (2019) 19, 6554–6563


As a key player in blood coagulation and tissue repair, fibrinogen has gained increasing…

LEEm picture

Growth and structure of ultrathin praseodymium oxide layers on ruthenium (0001)

Jan Höcker, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Julian Cambeis, Alexei Zakharov, Yuran Niu, Gang Wei, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Jens Falta, Andreas Schaefer and Jan Ingo Flege 

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2017) 19, 3480-3485


The growth, morphology, structure, and…

xps spectra

Isotropic thin PTCDA films on GaN(0001)

C. Ahrens, J. I. Flege, C. Jaye, D. A. Fischer, T. Schmidt and J. Falta

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2016) 28, 475003


The growth of 3, 4, 9, 10-perylene tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) on the Ga-polar GaN(0 0 0 1) surface has been…

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