
UMPOBERE meets Mod-Block-DDR

On April 27, 2021, members of Mod-Block-DDR and the project „Umweltpolitik, Braunkohle und Rekultivierung im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich“ (UMPOBERE) met each other. The initiative of UMPOBERE director Helmut Maier was prompted by the thematic and methodological intersections between the two GDR research associations. utta Günther, head of Mod-Block-DDR, mentioned the possibility of joint transfer activities. The exchange proved to be profitable and encouraged continuation.

In addition to the mutual visits of project-organized workshops, research forums and public events, a continuation of the scientific exchange is planned via a regular discussion meeting. Furthermore, the joint organization of a panel within the framework of an international conference was discussed - for the joint transfer of the respective research discussions to the scientific stage.

We are looking forward to the further promising cooperation!


Moderne Faserproduktion trifft devastierte Braunkohlelandschaft