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Erneuerbare Nahwärme in der Stadt als Chance für die Wärmewende. Forschungsprojekt zu Herausforderungen der Umsetzung in Bremen

04.12.2024 | 18:00 | Creative Hub | Talk by Prof. Dr. Winfried Osthorst & Christian Rinner at the artec colloquium

The event series artec colloquium: ‘artec on site: Sustainability research in Bremen’ will continue on 4 December 2024 with a lecture by Prof. Dr Winfried Osthorst and Christian Rinner entitled: ’Erneuerbare Nahwärme in der Stadt als Chance für die Wärmewende. Forschungsprojekt zu Herausforderungen der Umsetzung in Bremen’.

The transformation of the heat supply in urban neighbourhoods is a key challenge of the energy transition, especially where district heating networks or individual heat pump solutions are not viable options. The presentation ‘Renewable local heating in the city as an opportunity for the heating transition’ is dedicated to this problem and presents solutions for sustainable local heating networks.
The focus is on the potential of anergy networks as an innovative and climate-friendly alternative. These systems enable the flexible integration of renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy and thus open up new perspectives for heat supply in urban neighbourhoods.
The presentation is based on the research project ‘Geothermal energy networks - urban anergy networks as an instrument of the heating transition’, which is being carried out by Bremen University of Applied Sciences and the climate protection agency energiekonsens and funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU).

The event will take place on 04.12.2024 at 18:00 in the Café in the Creative Hub (Friedrich Karl Str. 54). All interested parties are cordially invited.

Further events as part of the colloquium:

22.01.2025 | 18:00 | NEOS building
hyBit-perspektiven aus der Forschung auf die Wasserstofftransformation in Norddeutschland
Dr. Torben Stührmann
artec Sustainability Research Center & FB4 / FG Resilient Energy Systems, University of Bremen

Programme of the artec colloquium WiSe 2024/25

A white radiator hangs on the wall under a window in an alcove in the flat