Member's profile
Dr. Nicole Duveneck
Complete publication list:
Building/room: Grazer Straße 4 (GRA4) A2140
Phone: +49 421 218-68951
Current activities and functions
- Research associate at the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck in the project “Development of a Decentralized Learning Infrastructure (DELI)” as part of the “Transfer Cluster of for Academic Teaching Nursing Home (TCALL)”
- Development of a Decentralized Learning Infrastructure (DELI) as part of the “Transfer Cluster of Academic Teaching Nursing Home" (TCALL), thir-party funded project (01.12.2023 - 30.11.2026)
- Preceptorship as an integrated training component of Bachelor of Nursing programs (HOPA), third-party funded project (01.01.2022 - 30.06.2024)
- CARO – Care-Reflection-Online, third-party funded project (01.05.2016 - 31.07.2019)
- Evaluation of preliminary grades and credits in nurse training programs in the federal state of Bremen, third-party funded project (01.05.2009 - 31.12.2014)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaft e.V. (German Society of Nursing Science)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V. (German Society for Social Psychiatry)
Academic and professional background
since 2024 Research associate at the University of Bremen, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, Department of Qualification and Curriculum Research in the project “Development of a Decentralized Learning Infrastructure (DELI)” as a part of “Transfer Cluster of for Academic Teaching Nursing Home (TCALL)”
2023 - 2024 Research associate at the International Degree Programme in Nursing (B.Sc.), Hochschule Bremen – City University of Applied Sciences,
2022 PhD (Dr. phil.) at the University of Bremen, Faculty 11 Human and Health Sciences with the distinction summa cum laude
2022 - 2024 Research associate at the Uni Bremen Campus GmbH, UBC Center for Nursing and Education under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck in the project “Preceptorship as an integrated training component of Bachelor of Nursing programs”
2018 - 2020 Vocational teacher at the nursing school Bremer Zentrum für Pflegebildung
2017 - present Freelance teacher and lecturer in the education and healthcare sector
2016 - 2017 Research associate at the University of Bremen, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, Department for Qualification and Curriculum Research in the project “CARO - Care-Reflection-Online”
2010 - 2016 Research associate at the Nursing Science program (B.A.), University of Bremen
2003 - 2010 Studies at the University of Bremen, graduating with a diploma in vocational education in nursing science and the first state examination for teaching secondary level II in the subjects of nursing science and psychology
2008 - 2012 Work as a nurse in a psychiatric, psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic ward
2001 - 2008 Work as a nurse in an internal medicine ward
2000 - 2001 Work as a nurse in a haematological oncology ward
1997 - 2000 Vocational training as a registered nurse
- Nicole Duveneck (2024). Über den Wandel und Erhalt von Normalitäten: Ein Blick auf die Identität psychiatrisch Pflegender. Psychosoziale Umschau, 39(4), 18
- Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Nicole Duveneck (2024). Modulcurriculum für die Zusatzqualifikation zur hochschulischen Praxisanleitung entwickelt. IPP Info, 21, 31.
- Nicole Duveneck, Marianne Rahner, Ingrid Darmann-Finck (2023). Qualifikationsbedarfe für die Praxisanleitung in der hochschulischen Pflegeausbildung: Eine qualitative Metaanalyse. Pädagogik der Gesundheitsberufe, 10(3), 118-128
- Nicole Duveneck (2023). Normalitäten in Bewegung: Rekonstruktion narrativer Identität psychiatrisch Pflegender. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Nicole Duveneck (2023). Berufliche Sozialisation in den Gesundheitsfachberufen. Pädagogik im Gesundheitswesen, 531-550. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Marianne Rahner, Nicole Duveneck, Ingrid Darmann-Finck (2023). Qualifikationsbedarfe von Praxisanleitenden in primärqualifizierenden Studiengängen: Eine qualitative Erhebung. QuPuG – Journal für Qualitative Forschung in Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaft, 10(2), 24-32
- Nicole Duveneck (2023). Normalitäten in Bewegung – Rekonstruktion narrativer Identität psychiatrisch Pflegender. IPP-Info, 20, 31-32.
- Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Karsten D. Wolf, Nicole Duveneck, Nathalie Pöpel, Jutta Kaliske, Claudia Schepers, Andreas Baumeister, Jan Küster, Ilka Koppel, Imke Meyer, Patrick Jung (2019). Mediengestützte Reflexion beruflicher Erfahrungen in der Pflegeausbildung: CAre Reflection Online (CARO) : Abschlussbericht zum Projekt : Projektdauer: 01.05.2016-30.04.2019 bzw. 30.08.2019.
- Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Nicole Duveneck (2018). Forschendes Lernen am Beispiel eines multimedialen Lernangebots zur Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz. Pädagogik der Gesundheitsberufe, 5(1), 24-33
- Ingrid Darmann-Finck, Nicole Duveneck (2016). Evaluation der Anrechnung von Vornoten in der Gesundheits- und (Kinder-) Krankenpflegeausbildung. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 113, 45--54.