Faculty of Law


01. Oct
Move of the Faculty to Domshof
All day
30. Oct
Faculty Council
12:00 14:00
19. Nov
17:00 20:00
04. Dec
Dies Academicus
09:00 14:00
18. Dec
Faculty Council
12:00 14:00
21. Aug
Faculty Council
11:00 13:00

Studying Law at the University of Bremen

You already have a  higher education entrance qualification or will obtain it in the near future? You are thinking about studying law? Find out more about law studies in Bremen!

New Publications

European Account Preservation Order

A multi-jurisdictional guide with commentary 

Nicolas Kyriakides, Heikki A. Huhtamäki, Nicholas Mouttotos

Larcier Intersentia 2024

Preisalgorithmen und Wettbewerb

Die Nutzung von Preisalgorithmen aus wettbewerbspolitischer, -ökonomischer und -rechtlicher Perspektive

Marcel Schröder

Nomos, Reihe Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht 2024

Book cover

Grundstückskauf und Gewährleistungs-ausschluss

Quang Vu

Nomos, Schriften zum Immobiliienrecht 2024

How to get here

You can reach the GW1 building where the Faculty of Law is located from the airport and Bremen station by tram (line 6, stop Universität Süd). Campus map

News Archive

Previous news items of the Faculty of Law

Updated by: FB6