Instrument Database

X-Ray Diffraction

Bruker D8 Venture Kappa-Diffractometer

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General information

Instrument specification

  • Technical aspects

    Fast 4- circle Kappa-diffractometer with monochromatic Mo K_alpha radiation and 2D detector .
    Typically complete difraction data sets may be obtained for crystal structure analysis of single crystals of about 100-400 µm diameter .
    Determination of orientation only is also possible for large crystals up to several mm. Extremely small amounts of powder may be subject to rotation measurements to achieve powder patterns ( however , with rather low resolution in reflection widths ) - usually use powder XRD for small samples due to better resolution .

  • In-situ capabilities
    Typical single crystals may be subjected to non-ambient temperature (not routine, no calibration yet, Sept. 2024) from -100 to 1000°C.


Instrument location

  • Group
    Crystallography & Geomaterials
  • Building
  • Room
  • Faculty
    Fachbereich 5
Updated by: MAPEX