Project RessourcE

Project description:

The RessourcE research project - Resource Development in Service Work - focusses on the further development of simple work in services, i.e. activities for which no formal qualifications are required. At the centre of the project are the health-promoting design and the development of employees' skills and qualifications.
The RessourcE-NordWest region (Bremen-Bremerhaven and Oldenburg-Wilhelmshaven) is historically characterised by trade and industry and today increasingly by the growth in services.
RessourcE was developed due to the growth in services and the large proportion of low-skilled labour in the service sector. Although low-skilled work offers low-skilled employees good access to the labour market, they are often affected by poor career development opportunities and working conditions. These include the logistics sector and health-related social services in particular. To date, there has been a lack of innovations tailored to low-skilled labour in terms of work design and skills development that would open up new development opportunities for employees and companies in the region.


Project objectives:
The project aims to establish and consolidate the "Resource Development and Service Work" competence centre in the region. The focus is on the further development of simple labour in services. By creating sustainable transfer structures between labour research and practice, the project aims to initiate innovations for good work design, management and development opportunities in the field of simple work. In order to promote new innovations and development opportunities, technical solutions are being developed, including an AI and sensor-supported exoskeleton that provides users with recommendations for action based on ongoing ergonomic analyses. New concepts are also being developed to help improve mental health and provide nursing assistants with additional qualifications. 
The RessoucE competence centre also serves as a permanent advice centre for employees, managers, interest groups and companies. Here, innovative solutions for simple work are offered and supported in their operational implementation.


Project partners:
The RessourcE consortium consists of the following partners:

•  PTS Packing, Transport, Services & Logistics GmbH

•  Mensen GmbH

•  Initiative zur sozialen Rehabilitation e.V.

•  LOREL Logistik GmbH

•  care pioneers GmbH

•  Arbeiterwohlfahrt- Bezirksverband Weser- Ems e.V.

•  WearHealth UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

•  VACANCES mobiler Sozial- und Pflegedienst GmbH

•  Vollers Management Service GmbH

•  BLG Industrielogistik GmbH & Co. KG

•  BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH

•  Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth

•  Wirtschafts- und Sozialakademie der Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen gGmbH

•  Universität Bremen - Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft (iaw) sowie Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft


Advisory board:

Prof. Dr Vera Hagemann is a scientific member of the RessourcE project advisory board.

Detailed information on the RessourcE project can be found here: