Dr. Anja Bendixen-Danowski

Anja Bendixen-Danowski


Current Position

May 2024           Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the University of Bremen in the field of business psychology and

                              human resources management

Since 2018         Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

                              Assistant lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Munich



Previous Positions

Since 2010          Lecturer in adult education for various educational institutions

2009 - 2019        Coaching of (junior) managers incl. GDP potential analysis

2009 - 2019        Freelance management consultant in the field of entrepreneurship and SMEs

1997 - 2008        Head of Marketing/PR department of a bank

1994 - 1997        Consultant in the field of marketing/advertising




2009                   Training as business coach (IHK)

1996                   Further training as PR specialist (BAW)

1990 - 1994        Business studies at the LMU, Munich
                              Degree: Diplom-Kauffrau

1998 - 1990       Apprenticeship as bank clerk (IHK)

Doctoral Thesis

Anja Bendixen-Danowski is doing her doctorate on the topic of analysing the relationships between leaders and leaders for the development of a model for age-appropriate leadership, taking into account monetary and non-monetary factors and developing a training concept for improving leadership success.