

The project "#IchBinUniBremen" was born out of the motivation to present the human side of the University of Bremen as personal insights into the past, present and future in the interplay of images and text.
In this way, the university is presented not only as an institution, but also as a community of very different people. They make the University of Bremen what it is today and in the process develop visions for the future: "What will the University look like in 50 years?"
The first people are online! Please select the ONLINE EXHIBITION tab.

Trailer #IchBinUniBremen


Matej Meža

Came to the University of Bremen in 2009 as an Erasmus student with the intention of staying.
In addition to his regular work as a staff member, he works as a freelance photographer. He sees the University of Bremen as a place of diversity and an important player in social development.


Matej Meza

Anamaría Pabón Maldonado

Student of the Master's programme "Media Culture" at the University of Bremen.
Her focus: audiovisual media production and photography.
As an artist, she has a personal interest in issues of social justice and diversity. She wants to tell the stories that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Ana Pabon