
Portrait von Leonie Tuitjer

Leonie Tuitjer joins artec as Professor for socio-ecological transformation

Leonie Tuitjer was appointed Professor of Human Geography with a focus on socio-ecological transformation in April 2023. She took up her teaching and research activities in September 2023 at artec after parental leave. We warmly welcome her!

Eine Frau schiebt ein mit bunten geflochteten Körben und Taschen schwer bepacktes Fahrrad durch eine von Wasser überschwemmte Straße

Between “Blue Urbanism” and Tanah Air: Urban Experiments, Circulations, and Placemaking as Sea Level Change Adaptation

11.-13.09.2023 | Int. conference to conclude the BlueUrban project | Jakarta, Indonesia & online

Nahaufnahme eines Igels auf gepflastertem Untergrund

„Wie viel Natur steckt im Bürgermeister-Ehlers Platz?“ Umwelt im Quartier in Bremen-Gröpelingen

01.09.2023, from 16:00 | Participatory event of the Biodiverse Cities project | Bürgermeister-Ehlers-Platz, 28237 Bremen

Viele bunte Mensch-Ärgere-Dich-Nicht-Figuren stehen auf einem weißen Untergrund, auf dem Linie zu sehen sind, die die Figuren in einem Netzwerk miteinander verbinden.

Agent based modelling & behaviour modelling / ABM & industrial hubs

17.07.2023, 11:00-14:00 | Talks by Dr. Geeske Scholz & Dr. Sina Eslamizadeh | SFG S2210

Leichte Wellen auf dem blauen Meer

Intertwined realities – hybrid institutions in the Peruvian fisheries and aquaculture sectors

20.06.2023, 12:00-13:00 | Guest lecture by Dr. Gerardo Damonte | Big seminar room, ZMT, Fahrenheitstr. 6, 28359 Bremen & online

Die Überreste eines vebrannten Kinderfahrrads stehen vor einer ebenfalls verbrannten Landschaft

More-than-Human Entanglements in Mt. Merapi Disaster

12.06.2023, 16:15-17:45 | Guest lecture by Dr. Fadjar Ibnu Thufail | Rotunde, Cartesium

Ansicht des Reaktorgebäudes und Schornstein des Atomkraftwerks Brokdorfs vor grauem Himmel, im Vordergrund eine grüne Wiese und Laubbäume

A nuclear power plant – an industrial monument?

In an artec paper back in 2017, Julia Kieselhorst examined whether a decommissioned nuclear power plant qualifies as an industrial monument. With the last remaining nuclear power plants in Germany going off the grid on 15 April 2023, the idea gains new relevance

Hinter einem Schutthaufen ist eine Schutthaufen zu sehen mit Graffiti in Form großer gelb-schwarzer Bienen

Biodiverse Cities in Europe’s North Sea Region

Project launch as part of the EU Interreg Program for the North Sea Region

Workshop-Teilnehmer:innen stehen um einen Tisch, auf den die Grundrisse einer Stadt projiziert sind

QUARREE100: Participation workshops in Heide

In the QUARREE100 project, members of artec and the Department for Resilient Energy Systems successfully tested a new interactive decision support tool at workshops with experts and citizens of the city of Heide

Auf einem Fischerboot interviewt eine Wissenschaftlerin eine Gruppe von Fischer:innen

ASA student grant | Fisheries and Aquaculture in Germany and Peru

The artec Sustainability Research Center cordially invites interested students to apply for an ASA student grant

Weiße Wolken am Himmel über einer blauen Wasserfläche

The rising politics of sea level: Coastal measurement, meaning, and materiality

08.12.2022, 18:15-19:45 | Taslk by Dr. Katherine Sammler at the artec colloquium | GW2 3009

Ein Weg unter Bäumen mit einem dichten Blätterdach im Herbst

Consumption Corridors and the Case of Meat

A new open-access article by artec member Dr. Minna Kanerva in the Journal of Consumption Policy

Jemand geht am Strand durch die Trümmer eines vom Meer weggespülten Gebäudes

Umweltgerechtigkeit – what for? Bedeutung, Konzepte und aktuelle Forschung

10.11.2022, 18:15-19:45 | Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Silja Klepp, Prof. Dr. Michael Flitner & Dr. Jonas Hein at the artec colloquium | GW2 B3009

artec Colloquium | Environmental Justice

Lecture & discussion series in the winter term 2022/23 on environmental justice

Eine Person trägt einen Weidenkorb an einem Strand entlang

Contested Coasts – Responsibility and Commitment for Coastal Life

03.11.2022, 17:00 | Opening of the photo exhibition to the project BlueUrban | Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstr. 4-5, 28195 Bremen

Vortrag Dr. Krauß in Dangast

The Peninsula of the Blessed – Is Dangast Still a Place for Artists?

18.09.2022, 11:30 | Talk by Dr. Werner Krauß in Dangast

Zwei Personen stehen und sitzen an einem beleuchteten Planungstisch, eine Person hält ein Miniaturhaus in der Hand

The Climate-Neutral City District – Here's How It Could Work

The online magazine up2date of the University of Bremen reports in detail about the project "Quarree100", in which scientists from the artec Research Center for Sustainability and the Department of Resilient Energy Systems are researching on the transformation of the energy system

Mehrere Personen stehen um einen Tisch herum und erstellen mit bunten KLebezetteln eine Zeitstrahl

Where Local and Global Needs Overlap, Tipping Points Become Visible

Sara Doolittle-Llanos and María Garteizgogeascoa of artec went to coastal Peru to gather first-hand insights from artisanal fishers into social and ecological tipping points as part of the Humboldt Tipping Project

Coastal Adaptation on the Move

Coastal Adaptation on the Move: Knowledge Exchange and Technology Diffusion in Urban Southeast Asia

06.07.2022, 12:15-13:00 | Talk by Dr. Johannes Herbeck at the artec colloquium (online)

Andrea Bollestero

Aquifers: Ethnography at the Edges of a Concept

01.07.2022, 14:00-16:00 | Talk by Andrea Ballestero at the NatureCultures Lab | Spedition Bremen, Beim Handelsmuseum 9, 28195 Bremen

Prof. Mari Niva

Practices, Change and Persistence in Sustainable Food Consumption

29.06.2022, 12:15-13:00 | Talk by Prof. Mari Niva at the artec colloquium (online)

Opportunities and Challenges for Integrating Resilience Analysis and Energy System Modelling

15.06.2022, 12:15-13:00 | Talk by Simon Hilpert at the artec colloquium (online)

artec Colloquium | Research Workshop

Lecture & discussion series in the summer term 2022

Medienpraktiken und Nachhaltigkeit

Digitale Medien und Nachhaltigkeit – Medienpraktiken für ein gutes Leben

A new monograph by Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer (open access, in German)

artec colloquium in summer term 2016

The colloquium of the Sustainability Research Center (artec) in summer term 2016 starts on 9 May, 2016, with a lecture of Frauke Urban and Johan Nordensvard "Low carbon energy transitions in Europe and Asia: opportunities and challenges". All lectures will take place at the Sustainabilty Research…


Denaturalizing Climate Change: Perspectives for Critical Adaptation Research


Low carbon energy transitions in Europe and Asia: opportunities and challenges


Refugees at German universities

Archiv artec| Archiv artec 2015|

Call for Papers

Workshop “Denaturalizing Climate Change: Perspectives for Critical Adaptation Research”, Oaxaca, Mexico, 28 - 30 September, 2016.

Archiv artec 2015|

International Conference in Ghana

Michael Flitner and Johannes Herbeck from the Sustainability Research Center (artec) have organised an international conference in Ghana in cooperation with their project partners within the project "New regional formations: Rapid environmental change and migration in coastal regions of Ghana and…

Archiv artec 2014|


Undercover in conflict zones

Archiv artec 2014|


"Man's Greatest Lake": The Volta River Project and the Dream of Development in Ghana

Archiv artec 2014|


International Conference on Regional Climate Adaption and Resilience CLARR 2014

Archiv artec 2013|


Denaturalizing climate change: migration, mobilities and spaces

Gruppenbild Leopoldina
Archiv artec 2013|


Workshop "Socio-Ecological Novelty – Frontiers in Sustainability Research"

Archiv artec 2008|

New Publication

Climate Change and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture: Taking systemic and second order effects into account by Michael Flitner / Johannes Herbeck