05, Production Facilities

Production Facilities

Bremen Institute for Structural Mechanics and Production Systems (bime)
University of Bremen
Badgasteiner Street 1
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421-218-64800 
E-Mail: kuhfussbime.de
Institute website: www.wzm.uni-bremen.de

Subjects of this research group are concerned with cutting and forming machine tools, their assemblies as well as components in both terms, in terms of design and their functional interaction and also in terms of associated technologies. Particular attention is paid to machines and systems for high-performance processes, which translates to, either they are supposed to perform with high accuracy and/or high productivity. Several researches in the field currently deal with incremental forming processes. These are rotary swaging, magnetic pulse forming and electro-hydraulic pulse forming.



Updated by: bolik