IWT - Leibniz-Institute - Research on material-oriented future technologies

The IWT develops future technologies of metal processing up to industrial maturity and is committed to solve customer-specific problems in metal processing with comprehensive know-how as well as exclusive technical equipment.

Having emerged from the traditional Institute of Hardening Technology, IWT looks back on a history of more than 50 years with the goal to advance complex research in the field of metal processing. Unique in Germany, IWT unites three disciplines of materials, process and production engineering as equal-ranking main departments under one roof. Technological problems of metal processing companies can be solved on an interdisciplinary level without time-consuming coordination processes. Located on the campus of the University of Bremen, the know-how base of the IWT is additionally strengthened by close integration with the Faculty of Production Engineering of the University of Bremen.

Process Engineering: The main division of Process Engineering is one of the three central research units of the Foundation Institute of Materials Engineering and is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lutz Mädler. Central research focus of the main division is placed on the production, processing, modeling as well as characterization of particles in the gas phase.

Production Engineering: A fundamental objective of the Production Engineering division is, to determine the interactions in separating (cutting) as well as forming processes.

Materials Engineering: Activities of the division of Materials Engineering include the organization of scientific events and comprehensive experimental as well as theoretical work in the fields: Heat treatment of metals, surface technology, characterization of material structure, mechanical material properties and optimization of material properties for operational use.


Updated by: bolik