12, Materials Technology / Fibres and Fibre Composites

Materials Engineering/Fiber-Reinforced Composites/Leightweight Design

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. David May
Airbus Endowed Chair for Rivet-Free Assembly Technologies

Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. (FIBRE)
University of Bremen
Am Biologischen Garten 2 / IW3
28359 Bremen

Phone  +49 (0)421 218-58701
Mobile +49 (0)151 51401395
e-mail mayprotect me ?!faserinstitutprotect me ?!.de


The research group is closely linked to the Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. (www.faserinstitut.de/en). Research and teaching deal with the material classes of fibers and fiber-reinforced composites, with their special properties and manufacturing technologies. The focus is particularly on technical fibers for engineering applications, lightweight products made from fiber-reinforced polymers and, within the framework of the Airbus endowed professorship, rivet-free assembly technologies for fiber-reinforced composite materials in aircrafts.


Updated by: bolik