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Do you have any questions about #MOIN? You'll find the answers here in our FAQs. And if you still have a question, please contact us at: moremathprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


The initiative "#MOIN - Model Region for Industrial Mathematics" started on April 1, 2023. The first funding period runs until March 31, 2026. The funding period can be extended twice.


As one of 12 initiatives across Germany, #MOIN is being funded with almost 6 million euros over the first three years as part of the BMBF funding program “T!Raum” - TransferRäume für die Zukunft von Regionen”.

The steering section is responsible for the content of the transfer room as well as the development, testing and implementation of suitable transfer formats. The tasks of the steering section are:


- Strategic-analytical tasks, such as the further development of the overall concept of the transfer space

- Structural and content-related (further) development, (re)alignment or consolidation of diverse transfer formats

- operational management of the Transferraum, which includes activities such as the organization and management of our initiative, public relations and science communication

A portfolio of transfer formats is to be implemented in the workshop area. In all transfer formats, an intensive exchange between science and application partners is to be practiced, which promotes the joint application of knowledge and the development of innovative solutions.


In order to bring the benefits of (industrial) mathematics to all areas of society, With its holistic transfer approach #MOIN focuses on four areas. One of them is #MATHWARE. The aim is to raise awareness of industrial mathematics as a driver of innovation in industry. We address the question: "How do companies become aware of mathematics as a solution? Find out more here: #MATHWARE

In order to bring the benefits of (industrial) mathematics to all areas of society, With its holistic transfer approach #MOIN focuses on four areas. One of them is #MATHUP. The focus is on industrial mathematics as a pathway to entrepreneurship. How can students be sensitized to transfer and entrepreneurship at an early stage? In this area we focus on the development of innovative (start-up) concepts. Find out more here: #MATHUP


In order to bring the benefits of (industrial) mathematics to all areas of society, With its holistic transfer approach #MOIN focuses on four areas. One of them is #MATHDAYS. These are aimed at students and teachers. We want to help them better communicate the benefits of mathematics in schools. Find out more here: #MATHDAYS


In order to bring the benefits of (industrial) mathematics to all areas of society, With its holistic transfer approach #MOIN focuses on four areas. One of them is #MATHINSIDE. Here we are working to provide the public with insights into industrial mathematics in order to improve the reputation of mathematics. Find out more here: #MATHINSIDE