Simon Wenkelewsky
manymany motion GmbH
E-Mail: simonprotect me ?!manymanyprotect me ?!.de
+49 421 169-86781
Prof. Dr. Peter Maaß
Universität Bremen
E-Mail: pmaassprotect me ?!math.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
+49 421 218-63801
There are many interactive programming environments available for schools and public events. From "Programmieren mit der Maus" and "Scratch" to "Code it!" and professional software such as "Promethean", there is a range of tools and applications for all interests and age groups from around 10 years.
Building on these concepts, this project aims to develop an interactive demonstrator for deep learning (DL) and neural networks that can be used in schools and for public outreach. The aim is to clearly explain and visualise the mathematical principles of the individual program components. The aim is to illustrate the importance of mathematics for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is often lost in the general perception behind the visible surface of AI applications, usually designed by computer scientists.